Friday, August 31, 2007
Hey You!
There I said it! You all knew it was coming... don't look at me like that. Anyway my day was alright, I chilled out, though I'm going to get pretty busy in a moment. As I have several emails to send off... Which are already several days late at the moment. I know, I know, I'm lazy don't hate me.
So yeah to sum up my day in the shortest amount of words possible: Wake up, cleaners, nate, kick ball, police squad, steph, and WoW. Eleven words, beat that! Actually that was only the major part of my day. Things I missed out was how I told my cousin if she sees any cute guys to give me a call (before you ask... it was a joke) and I ripped a hole in my poket so if you look closely you can see my boxers. Yay for some Nay for others.
Big news though is the upcoming rugby world cup I'm sooo looking forward to it. It will be awesome, I believe australia has a good chance to win it. So LET'S GOO!
So yeah thats all for today
Random Flavour of Ice Cream: Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
Anyway Till Tomorrow
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Dog Spazz Yipee!
The people who were though... had this to say:
1. Hell (Wow original concept, haven't seen that in like every game)
2. Level 8 of S Block (Congratulations, you've just located where we are at the moment?)
3. Underground Tunnel (Need I say more?)
So much for being a creative course, aye?
Anyway I've taken it upon myself to call people 'gurt big bird bag' which by all means has no meaning at all. Well, actually, to get technical it's what the mole named Dinny calls owlybeasts and yonder eagles. So yeah, to celebrate finishing it, I have decided that to call people gurt big bird bags. Yipee.
So like tottally awesome, yeah alright?
Random Unoriginal Chump in my Class: Alex
Till Tomorrow
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Now, you think thats bad? Wait for la piece de resistance. My dog ate my very expensive, very valuable, italian hand made beanie. WHAT THE FUCK IS WITH THAT?
Edit: Alright, thanks to steph, I've calmed down a bit and by a bit I mean alot. So let's look on the bright(well lesser dark)side of what happened today. I'll start with a cute asian lady talked to me on the bus, even if it was only to ask the difference between artist and artisan, it's a start right? Next was that I found one of my cousins on facebook, and I haven't spoken to her in like 8 years or something. So that will be pretty funky.
However the best thing that will come out of it all will be that I should be able to write something half decent on my story... yipee.
Anyway I'm going to go back to bed and hope that this whole fucking day was just a dream.
Random Girl Screaming on the Train: Veronica
Back tomorrow..... hopefully.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Would you Fetch?
So yeah probably the highlight of the day was at breakfast, at 2pm, when me and Mat were at the winter garden having lunch as we do. When he saw these pretty built up guys wearing tight clothes, and Mat is just like "Those guys are in a band." Being me, who enjoys the role of playing devils advocate, I chose the opposite opinion. So how did we solve this debate? Well Mat had the bright idea of walking up to them and asking. What a daunting idea, walking up to some random people and asking them if they are in a band. So there was a deliberation period, where he decided he would flip a coin and if it was heads he would do it, else he would just walk away.
It was heads.
Oh crap... best out of three
It was heads
Oh crap... best too three
It was heads
Like a sign from some ever present being he was thrown into the frey of three older guys who may or may not of been from a band. So he walked over there and was like "Hi, you guys look familiar are you in a band or something." and it turns out they were. So yeah, pretty randomly cool thing.
Random Country: Canada
Till Tomorrow
Monday, August 27, 2007
I'm Human!
I had a pizza sub today, mmmm.... pizza sub. It was pretty awesome, it was like a feast for the senses. In fact I added peri peri and peanut butter. Well, OK not peanut butter but I did add peri peri and it was delightful. I should get into the pizza business, that would be fun, but I'd try and niche` the market place by having black jellybeans instead of anchovies, and then like old socks instead of pineapple. I could advertise it as the pizza that punches you in the face. I can vision the ad now some poor guy is sitting on the sidewalk eating a pizza which has a old sock encrusted in it and he takes a bite. As soon as he does he gets hit with a car. DAVE'S PIZZA IT'S IN YOUR FACE TO THE MAX!
Yup. It's official. Worst blog ever.I'll have something better tomorrow... or will I.
Random Adjective to Describe this blog: Pitiful
Till Tomorrow
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Funny Faces on Magazine Titles
- The semi-trailer action sequence
- The two hot ladies... yum yum.
- The guy who did la pakour (aka the hamster).
- The idea of the character John Mclain.
- The demonization of geeks/nerds/ and alike.
- The really really lame bad guy (He didn't even do anything nasty).
- The scene after they come out of the van... there is like 20 different shots through like one scene of dialogue. In one of the shots I don't think the lip syncing matched the dialogue. Which was very off putting for me.
- The whole trying to create suspense when the guy goes to push the delete button... it doesn't take me five minutes to push delete... why should he?
-The way Mclain's character was so retarded, whoever wrote the script should be shot for being a douchebag. Such a good idea for a character but so badly implemented.
Anyway, I talked to my friends they all said it was good. Mainly because they have seen the other movies and they all agree it was good. Mainly for the whole Yippiekai yai Motherfucker. Which was kinda cool, die hard fans won't be dissapointed.
Today's training wasn't so bad, I must be getting fitter... just barely. I'm still a slob.
That's all for today... yay for text.
Random thing to do with Baseball: Home Run
Anyway till tomorrow
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Telephone Monkees!
Anyway, now that I do feel like mentioning it, lets review what happened! First off I must say that I hate (like hate hate) organizing stuff. Yet I find myself in a position where I have to organize a baseball team as well as organize a university group, which by the way still haven't contacted me after four days of trying to reach them. Which resulted in the following email:
Hey guys,
I have yet to hear from anyone, unless your name is "show her a good time", and since I assume that you guys check your email once a day, so it means one of the following:
I've got the wrong email addresses
No one has had any new ideas
or more negatively, no really gives a dam
I can understand that guys, but we really need to get this done, and done well. At the moment I can't assign anything to anyone because I haven't heard from you guys. So I expect that you guys all do a little research on every area mentioned in the previous email as well as any idea's you have.
We need communication.
Have a good weekend
Which is just not me. I'm not meant for this stuff, ARRGGGHHH! On the topic of angry-ness DAM YOU LISA DAM YOU! You see lisa is my cousin, and she said that my bro is her favourite cousin. BETRAYED! She's been demoted on my favourite cousin list thats for sure. I said it! You're not my favourite cousin any more. MUHAHAHA.
No one messes with dave.
Edit: Oh, I almost forgot. My dad cracked a funny yesterday he goes "Why isn't there any telephones in china? Because there are so many wings and wongs in the phonebook people would be winging the wong number." Me and my mum just look at him with this what the hell was that look on our faces. He must of thought we didn't get it so he repeated it. I was just turned to him and said "Dad it's not going to get funnier no matter how many times you repeat it."
Random Movie I Want To Watch: The Weather Man
Till Tomorrow
Friday, August 24, 2007
No Dice!
I got hungry for macca's today.
That's it.
Random Thing I Ate Today: Tomatoe
Till Tomorrow
Thursday, August 23, 2007
The Rain Came Down, It's Wet
It wasn't all bad though, the rain came down when I was walking through the city and I pretended I was in one of those Noir movies I mentioned yesterday. Narrating on everything I saw, I came up with some pretty cool stuff... I think.
"The man in front of me is smoking, I hate smoking, he exhales and fills the air with toxic fumes; only for a second before they dissapeared. I sniffed, it was an illusion, the smoke was still there like all the greatest killers it was invisible and deadly. However, unlike the assassin's blade or the bullet from the snipers gun this killer doesn't kill you instantly. It takes it time, destroying you from the inside."
"To my left there were some poles they were short, green and countless, filling the street like an army of unmoving soldiers. This was the perfect portrayal of humanity, we are all the same"
"The sign had graffiti on it responsible was a force more powerful than an oncoming hurricane it was the degraded youth of the streets. They lived here, begging for food and money, anything to get by. Fortunately for me, I had both."
Lastly I saw a busker today except he was playing a tamborene and I was like what the hell? I mean he had no rythm just making a racquet. I was so tempted just to walk up to him give him a hundred dollars or so and say 'here mate go learn to play guitar."
Random Person I Talked to: Bob
Anyway till tomorrow
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Use the Anus!
So yeah, today, if you hadn't noticed was my enabling immersion class. Which is alot of fun, expanding the mind, brain, and head all at once. We have to watch Blade Runner and ExistenZ for homework. Gosh I hate homework, I mean once I'm home, I'm home (DUH!) but I don't like to mix the two work and home. If you any sort of sense from that I applaud you, because to be honest I have no idea what I just wrote.
Oh! Today I found out that something I really like in movies is Film Noir, which is like those old detective movies. Where they focus on the insignificant things, and what not. I think that's really cool, so I'm going to in corporate it into my game. So now it's looking like a modern cowboy mouse, going into a mansion in the desert and fights from room to room eventually reaching the big bad weasel who slew his father. The end fight will be something like, picture this in an attic where both Elrow and the Weasel are natural sizes wearing clothes and guns:
Elrow: "I'm here for your skull weasel"
Weasel: "You're going to have to kill me first"
Elrow: "That was the plan"
Weasel Laughs
Weasel: "How many beasts did you kill to get to me? You're no different from me, you're a cold blooded killer. However, and this is a big however, there is one difference. Care to guess?"
Elrow: "I don't know, you slept with your sister?"
Weasel laughs again, pointing at the door
Weasel: "What insolence, but no. The answer is that in ten minutes only I will be alive, and walking out that there door."
Elrow spits out his toothpick
Elrow: "Let's dance."
I hope that sounds as cool as it did in my head. Also I'm going to be putting up a new poll check it out... It'll be more of a feedback thing, to see what you guys like/don't like and so I can improve my blog to make it more interesting wooo.
Random Music in my Room: The Boomerang Boys (WTF?)
Anyway till tomorrow
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Matey Hey!
Introducing Ghengis

Monday, August 20, 2007
Sailing the Great Seas!

Did you know that in passport photos you're meant to have an emotionless face? I didn't and it sure was a surprise when he asked me. So you know I tried my best, but it ended up looking just like...

Nah, not really, I look like a convict or something; so sad. Apart from that though I'm still half destroyed from yesterdays training sessions, and tender in both my hammies (god I sound like my dad) but I'm bringing it up because I ripped my hamsting about four months ago. So it is a worry for me.
Also, I've now decided that sunday will be my emo day where I rant and complain or talk about all my emotions, so if you don't like it... Well don't read sundays.
Random Thing that I put in my Mouth today: Beer Coaster
Till Tomorrow
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Okay so it begins when I found out that had a crush on this young girl, who was lovely, and things became complicated as she was travelling and I didn't know if I could get in touch with her to say 'hi how ya going.' Anyway it turns out I did and got to talk to her a bit but then I realised that I didn't like her at all. However, in her wake I found another person, who had been friends with in the whole ordeal and now I have now fallen head over heels for her.... I'm such a sucker for the cuties. Unfortunately, there is a bump in the road which is something I'll have to work around. For the moment though, I'm content. Will this be the end of my relationship troubles? I can only hope that it is.
So today I got distracted, I've been talking with her all day. That's the reason for the extremely late post. I'm sorry, call me a romantic but all I could think about was her. Totally forgot about my blog, and I'm sure all you guys/girls have been in the same situation.
Random Book on My Shelf: The Story of Philosophy
Anyway, tomorrow I'll be able to put up a decent blog hopefully with some pictures... yay.
Till Tomorrow
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Quick, have a good look at this picture, there is something extremely cool about it, if you stare at it for long enough.
Yay, it's been a week and my mum has returned from japan bearing gifts. It was great to see her, and great to see the gifts. I recieved a shirt, white in colour and on the back says 'keep away I'm dangerous' in japanese, and that was my gift. Though my mum felt bad because she didn't get me anything and I said don't worry bout it, if I wanted something I would go and get it myself. Alas she felt abit guilty, so she tried to pawn off a ring that she found onto me. However, I may wear a Mr. Messy t-shirt, but I do not wear rings! Well not yet anyway.
Not much else happened today, lounged round the playing games, as I do. Though to an extent, a very small extent, I do use games as sort of a research tool. Seeing how people react in different situations, it's definately going to be something that I will be doing in the future if I continue down this road of being a game designer. Anyway, that's about all for today... gosh my weekends are boring.
Random Sculpture on my Wall: Pig pitching a ball.
Till tomorrow
Friday, August 17, 2007
For Me it's You
Well tonight I found out somethings about my dad that I really don't like but since they are relatable I've made a list of 'don't you hates' so here it is:
Don't you hate it when someone calls your name but doesn't say what for.
Don't you hate when someone talks about the news like they can actually change it.
Don't you hate it when someone talks themselves when your sitting across from them.
Don't you hate when someone things that their life is so interesting, when you don't think so.
Don't you hate it when someone thinks that they are right even though they aren't.
Don't you hate it when your dog picks up his feces and carries it round the house.
Don't you hate it when your dog licks your face afterwards.
Alright so the last two weren't about my dad, but still you get the idea. On that subject who would of thought my EKKA winning dog would be in the business of a poo cartel. Moving his fecal matter from one spot to the next. IDEA. What if that's like a dog's version of money? I mean they do sniff each others behinds regulary, so maybe they are seeing whether a dog is rich or not. Just a thought but think about it.
Anyway I think I'll leave it at there for now, sorry bout the cruddy posting lately getting busy with university, games, and one incredibly cute lady.
Random Remnants of Food in My Room: Hedgehog Slice
Till Tomorrow
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Got to LOS Hunters
The rain was coming down hard as one man fought against the powerful winds and battled the droplets from the sky. He struggled his way down the street, dodging from shelter to shelter in a half jog half walk limbo. This was all part of his newly formed self help exercise routine, however, he never factored in the weather. He rounded the corner; “only four blocks to go” he muttered under his breath, a white puff of condensation punctuated each word. Focused on the task at hand he ploughed on ahead.
“Morning, Richard” It was old Mrs Baker, she ran the local florist.
“Morning, Mrs Baker terrible weather we are having” He commented.
“Indeed it is, don’t go catching a cold now you hear” Her voice drifted off as Richard ran on. He enjoyed the meaningless morning banter between himself and Mrs Baker; it empowered him with a great feeling of affiliation. He continued on, concentrating on regulating his breath, planning out his day and calculating how many steps before he was back at his apartment. With all this on his mind, he didn’t notice that he was running so close to the wall, and he didn’t notice the door opening in front of him.
A whoosh of wind.
A bell rang.
Two bodies collided.
Richard sat there rubbing his head and it took him a second to realise what exactly had happened.
Not too much as you can see but I'm getting there.
Man I've been doing a few late blogs lately, just getting exhausted from uni and so forth. So my bad on that. Anyway, today was pretty cool we had this sound engineer come in for our guest speaker and he was like mucking around with some tools and showing us how it was done. He then made this car accelerating, or at least the sound of a car accelerating, and I was like "YEAH! do someone farting!" He didn't.... but it would of been cool.
The rest of the day I spent trying to find that spot in between steps, you know how you have second of freefall as your on one foot and your other foot is mid step coming down. I was playing around with that before, and it's a really weird feeling but more so it's a reminder that the best things in life are the little things, like a cute girls smile, or a childs laughter.
Anyway that's my ramblings for today.
Random Picture Drawn Today: A funny looking snake thing
Till Tomorrow
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Anniversary Special!
Anyway I'll keep it short today, hope all you folks in brisbane had a good people's day, if not I hope you skipped school/work and had a good day anyway. I know one person who did.
Random Tree: Pine Tree
Till tomorrow
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra
The term gigantic poo is one that is rarely used, in fact I don't think I've ever used it before. However, today I did see a gigantic poo. Disgusted? I was, this thing was the size of a water melon. I've seen babies smaller than this thing, and they say men don't know the pain of child birth. When I first laid my eyes on it was disgusted, I was outraged that someone had done a gigantic poo in the toilet I was about to use. Though after a while I went from disgust to amazement of the size of it. Oh my god, it was like the size of a two litre bottle of coke. How is that even humanly possible? Maybe it was alien poo.
In other news today we had to choose groups for our business management project I got stuck with asians again(Dammit). Not to say that I don't like asians, quite the opposite actually, but last time I had a group full of asians they did like zero work and whatever they did do was complete rubbish because it came out as gibberish. Which blows chunks, so I was pretty annoyed to get into another completely asian group. Specially when, again, their english is pretty poor. On top of that they arrived forty five minutes late to class and then buggered off forty minutes early. Not a good sign of things to come.
Good things today though include: Having enough time to eat breakfast and a cup of ice coffee, getting an sms from the cutest girl in perth so early in the morning, meeting up with a friend and watch him team kill in battlefield two, and then meeting up with another mate for lunch. Speaking of which check out his band: pretty interesting.
Random Middle Name: Norris
Till Tomorrow
Monday, August 13, 2007
Yeah You Must of had Heaps of Money
It's been a dreadful day in my writing, because I really, really, really could not think of a single thing to write. Which is partly the reason why this blog is so late to get up. Sorry bout that, don't hate... Don't hate I said, I see you looking at me like that. Anyway, I thought I'd just do something random and dog.
Get it, I know it wasn't that funny but still I got writers block. So hush. It all started when I got this idea for a killer analogy for my story, I wanted to say that Richard felt like a criminal awaiting the chair. Only more detailed and stuff but it turned out that it didn't quite fit the scene so now I've lost my vision.
Random Word in This Post: Only
Anyway till tomorrow
P.S. I hate the word tomorrow, I always want to spell it tommorrow. Just like remember, I like remeber better.
P.P.S. I also know that this is possibly the worst blog I've written.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
More Writing
Anyway, I had my first baseball training sesson today and I must say... I am so unfit at present. I'm still huffing and puffing and I've been home for twenty minutes. I guess this is a sign I should start hitting the gym again. One thing I got to say about training, which goes for all games, was that I made this pretty awesome play. I was caught off guard, so I threw my body on the ground and at full reach I managed the pluck the ball out of thin air. Now that's not the interesting thing, the interesting thing is the state of mind that you have when you make such a play. It's what the buddhists call 'the flow' where you stop thinking and just exist as part of an external consciousness. It's real exciting, if you haven't done it, I reccomend you try it. It's like you black out for a second and then wake up with the ball in your glove.
So... yeah... story time. If you haven't read the first part it's on the 9th of August or
“Stranger? Miss, I’m sorry to say this but you’re going to be my wife” Richard replied.
“You must have me mistaken for someone; I’m just a simple baker” Flustered she tried to make sense of this situation.
“There is no mistake about it young miss. I see it in your eyes, I see it in that cheerful glow that surrounds you, and most importantly I see it in that smile. Yes, that smile” He paused for a second, choosing his words carefully, “it is the smile that reminds me of a picnic on the beach during the middle of summer, or listening to my favourite classical music whilst reading a novel. It is the smile that could light a pitch black room, or..”
Before he could continue, a man behind him interrupted.
“Are you going to order something or are we going to just stand here all day?” His anger wasn’t unwarranted, Richard had been at the head of the que for several minutes now and it was starting to grow. Taking this as a sign of his defeat Richard frowned, which he hadn’t done since he had entered the shop. He had failed again and that all too familiar feeling of disappointment came flooding back. His eyes, now with all signs of hope diminished, made there way back to the lady behind the counter.
“Sorry for the disturbance, miss. If it’s not too much trouble could I get a coffee” His once enthusiastic tone, dropped to a mere whisper.
“What flavour would you like” She asked her voice was also dulled as if weighted down by the situation at hand.
“Doesn’t matter” He moped as he turned his head to one side, breaking eye contact. The lady hurried off, moments later she came rushing back cup in hand. She cautiously handed it over to him.“Careful, it’s hot.” She warned, but Richard had zoned out his mind focused on the emptiness he was feeling. Will I always be alone? Am I destined to be alone? Am I cursed? These three questions ran circles in his head. Absent minded he reached into his pocket, pulling out his wallet he thumbed through until he had his hand upon a bill. Twenty dollars he handed over. “Keep the change” He mumbled turning his back he headed for the table in the corner, in his hands he carried the most expensive coffee that he had ever purchased.
Last thing, if you want me to do anything like more stories, more humour, or more serious thoughts. Just send me a message, or email me. Whatever.
Random Excercise I had to do Today: Push Ups
Till Tomorrow
Saturday, August 11, 2007
The Defeat of Mr Winkle
Something that has been on my mind since... yesterday. There was this lady who I work with, and she has this thing about commenting on the way I dress or the way I look for work. Anyway, I haven't shaved in a few days or well I have shaved leaving parts unshaved and thats not really interesting I know. What is, is the fact that she says to me "Hey dave, nice beard does that mean you have a girlfriend now?" What the hell sort of conclusion is that to come to. I mean does anyone else think beard equals girlfriend? I certainly do not, so it came as a shock when I said it and was about to give her a viscous tongue lashing of the verbal kind. However, I restrained and said "I wish" then ran to the bathroom and sobbed for a half hour.... that last part didn't happen.... or did it?
Finally, I didn't mention it yesterday but the career conselor that helped me out in my time of need, used my story yesterday as an inspiration for some kid. Which is kind of neat to hear about, from my perspective anyway.
Anyway I'm going to grab a beer, and I plan on doing some more writing tomorrow.
Random Movie that me and my Aunt watched: School of Rock
Till tomorrow
Friday, August 10, 2007
Batteries, Rum, and Pez
A packet of carrot seeds
Some pocket lint
A postage note with the word 'CLUE'... now she won't be so clueless
A broken pencil
Being in the giving mood, I donated a loose thread from my shirt and a chunk of polystyrene box I was smashing up. I know what your thinking... DAVE SAVE SOMETHING FOR YOURSELF. However, when someone is in need I just have this urge to help.
Oh my, if you don't know whats going on the EKKA(brisbane show) is in town and this can only mean one thing:
WARNING: Children of all ages are on the train, make sure you bring mp3 player, earplugs, or if your really desperate ask the person next to you to bite your ears off.
Today it was insane, something crazy like three children to every person over twenty. It gets worse when they are all trying out bits and pieces from their show bag. So to what ever company gave them whistles. I hate you.
Last thing for today. My aunt and I watched Little Miss Sunshine and if you haven't seen it I do recommend it. It's a movie that is both funny and upsetting at once. Where the characters are so diverse and unreal that it doesn't matter who you are you can relate to them. Personally my favourite was Dwane or however you spell his name mainly because I too have gone through a similar thing. Anyway quick summary: A normal girl gets to go to the little miss sunshine contest, the story unfolds as their journey to the competition is filled with numerous obstacles both funny and saddening. However, what's so great about it is that you really get the feel for the characters, and they really are characters, and it's so fascinating to see how they react to each situation.
Random Drink: Coca Cola Zero
Till Tomorrow
Thursday, August 09, 2007
A Well Deserved Morsel
“Excuse me miss, if I were to say that you were beautiful I’m afraid that no matter the intricate metaphor, analogy, or simile I use. I would fall short. For your beauty, there are no such words in our language.” He said, as he dared a smile. It wasn’t like Richard to talk to girls on his own; in fact he hadn’t done so in the last three weeks and it’s not because Richard didn’t like the ladies. It was just that he had no luck when it came to those from the opposite sex, therefore, never daring to get involved. This all dated back to the third grade, when he told Mary Peckerwitz that he had a thing for her. Which they both should of seen coming, always talking, hanging around each other. She said no, without hesitation, and it was right then and there that Richard was forced to face the reality of life; like a passenger tossed overboard from the ship of dreams into the cold bitter waters of human drama.
“Well, aren’t you awfully kind for a stranger?” She replied, to the untrained eye she looked like any other asian lady who graced the earth with her presence. To Richard, she appeared an angel that had fallen from yonder star. Her hair was dark, moody yet soft; it had been straightened thoroughly and now it flowed from its roots gracefully like a rush water heading down stream. Her brown eyes shone out reminiscent of a refurbished light house, warm and loving, welcoming all those who were fated to look. She was covered from head to foot with soft toned skin, a gift given to her from her parents and at this moment Richard wanted to find them and thank them.
Random Thing I Learned Today: Polygons Suck
Till Tomorrow
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Underwater Monkey Pants
Have you ever been in the situation where someone says "Your Funny" and your like "umm... ugh thanks?" Happens to me all the time, well not really but it did happen once so my point is still valid. As I was saying, I'm really (really really) bad at taking compliments. It's like you want to kill a conversation with me just go "Hey Dave you have a nice ass" and I'll be gobsmacked. I'm sure other people are the same, it's just so weird to hear people talk positive. (Here I go back on my soap box) There is too much negativity in the world at the moment I mean, death, destruction, famine, disease. It's all I hear about on the radio, tv and other forms of media. Frankly I'm boycotting the whole thing, I don't listen or read anything but sports now-a-days.
Ok, finally pet peeve for the day, errors in book. During my break, all three hours worth, I spent it reading my book Redwall, and really I got too immersed in the book and let my imagination get the best of me, because I laughed aloud, cringed, smiled, and other things one shouldn't be seen done alone. Anyway what annoyed me was there was a mistake, not just a small mistake like its instead of it's or something like that. It was the main characters name, I was shocked it was like someone had shook me hard. Like my mum trying to wake me up in the morning. All of my mental images of a heroic mouse were lost with the missing s on his name. So yeah I was annoyed.
Random Limb: Leg
Anyway till tommorrow
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
I Want To Be a Writer!
On the subject of that tutorial, it certainly was a weird one. For starters an absolutely gorgeous girl sat next to me. Which for most guys is not a weird thing, of course I'm not most guys, nor am I used to the idea of girls liking me. On top of that I talked to her but I was nervous so I couldn't think of anything even semi witty to say so I was like "Wow, your the second best looking thing I've seen all day" and you know she was gracious. She smiled and blushed, and then asked "What was the first?" to which I replied "The spoon which I used to shove cornflakes down my throat this morning." She laughed, that laugh that lifted the heavens then took of all her clothes and made sweet sweet love to me right then and there. OK, not all of that story was true, in fact I didn't even talk to her. However, it was still a positive experience.
Last thing about that tutorial (gosh, you must be thinking why the hell am I still reading about this dammed tutorial, doesn't seem that exciting) was that on the hour or so long train ride beforehand I did the required reading for the subject. Which was not that fascinating however as it turns out it was pretty much exactly what the tutorial was on. So I, having no knowledge of business whatsoever, was actually outsmarting these other people who had already had one semester full of it. I was impressive or at least I thought I was.
Oh and before I forget check out my mates band:
They are actually quite good, I can't wait till they release their album.
Random Sentence from Redwall: Both mice stared at the badger.
Anyway till tomorrow
Monday, August 06, 2007
This Flower Does Not Belong to Me
Now, for the rotten tomatoe I must say it is Pan's Labyrinth. I was dissapointed to say the least, considering it was so well received by audiences and critics alike. There was alot more violence and brutal behaviour than I anticipated. This movie, to me, seemed more like a piece of art (much like Babel) rather than a movie you would watch over and over again. Again a basic summary; A girl, who is brought up reading fairy tales, is given a chance to join fantasy world but has to pass three trials. The twist comes when we realise she is living during the spanish civil war. The highlight for me was the contrast between the two worlds: The real world this brutally honest place full of pain, betrayal, and discomfort, and then this fantasy was much the same with everything seeming dark, gloomy, and brutal. The fact that she had to choose between two evils was quite fascinating.
Other than that the other three movies were great, Donnie Darko is a real water cooler movie. Makes you ask questions, and got both me and my aunt into some real discussions about what was going on. The animation and action sequences in Advent Children is just out of this world spectacular, if you haven't seen it and love action I advise you check it out. Cowboy Bebop, well it's cowboy bebop what can I say? It's classic anime at it's finest.
I don't really have anything humourous add today since I really didn't watch much else but movies and on top of those five I'm going to simpsons movie in three hours. Crazy Time.
Random Shoe Brand: Brooks
Anyway till tomorrow
Sunday, August 05, 2007
Reagan Smash!
So from there the day progressed, slowly and horribly, as my dad decided 'I don't want to stay too long at this baseball meeting so I'll bring Dave along' little did he know that I actually had baseball tryouts there this morning. Aside: I'm really not big on trying out, I mean I just play for fun and my enjoyment rather than being all serious about it and I know I'm that good that if they had their way I would be put into a pretty decent team. It continues also when we arrive because since I was a coach last year it's automatically assumed that I'm going to coach this year. Which I was still undecided and still am. So I walk in and the first words I hear is "Hey Dave where were you this morning? Going to coach this year?" and bam! My entire day has just been destroyed. I then had to spend two hours sitting and doing nothing waiting for my dad to do this meeting, which by the way was not fun.
So by the end of it, I was angry to say the least. Not only had my entire day been ruined I am now signed up for coaching as well as expected to be at tryouts. In the car I was fuming, in my usual silent treatment way ofcourse, and here is my dad he must know I'm angry but still he is like 'My quadraceps are a bit tender' and I'm like what the hell old man can't you just let me be angry in piece. No, he had to consume the whole trip home with simple small talk, which on any other day I probably would have enjoyed, but I was not in the mood. Sometimes silence is the best option.
Random Kitchen Appliance: Blender
Anyway till tomorrow
Edit: Sorry bout the later post, I didn't want to write angry. When I do it all comes out like gibberish. D:
Saturday, August 04, 2007
Girl I'm not to clever, I just adore you
Anyway as always my weekend blogs are kind of let down. However, that's no excuse for you not to get involved and vote in the new poll. In fact get your friends to vote as well, give them the link I want to see one million votes by next friday.
Random Game: Powerslide
Till tomorrow
Friday, August 03, 2007
New Poll
One Hundred Views Yahoo!
So me and my co-worker were in the van driving along, as you do, and the topic of the crummy old car clock came up. He explained that both himself and another worker had been trying forever to fix it but had no luck. So I thought I'd have a go, and as things turned out after about twenty or so minutes of trying I eventually figured it out (I know... I'm a genius, not really I did have help from the manual) and then my co-worker turned to me and asked "So how did you do it?" to which I replied "It was only a matter of time."
But I must say that the pun was ruined because he didn't get it. So there I was with this huge grin on my face and he is just like "Yeah... right anyway." Well either he didn't get it or it wasn't that funny.
After that I was in the mood for some more puns so when I saw my father and another man shaking hands just before lunch I walked in and said "Sorry for interupting this touching moment" I got a chuckle out of them.
Anyway in other news it's really an interesting time for me at the moment, I'm getting a look at where I come from. Like me and my aunt share alot of the same taste, taste in humour, taste in music, which is really cool because we have been watching alot of movies together. While on the other hand my dad is showing his serious side at work and at home. Which I can also relate to, it's facinating just to see how it all works.
Bald Eagle
Random Bit of Advice: Failure is the best place to start over again more intelligently. - Henry Ford
Till tomorrow
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Leg It!
The Botanic Gardens: A lovely spot where you can take your family and relax in the sun, play around with your friends, go for a delicous bike ride, or just stand on the path and cut your nails.... The Botanic Gardens has something for everyone.
So today was pretty awesome (I re-iterated that just so you'll remember it later) we had this guest game designer. Who had worked on Freedom Force, Happy Feet, and Splinter Cell, and he was heaps interesting. He talked about how people tried to apply unsuitable for a game and gave the example of adding stealth mechanics to bejeweled. Just imagine your playing the all of a sudden a gem comes out of the side of the board and BAM! Three of a kind. After that he was talking about his game and how you have three characters and when they stand by each other they explode.... wait a second that's bejewled. Anyway that was heaps fun, so thanks for the talk Morgan Jaffet!
On the train yesterday, although I didn't mention it I had another run in with a kid who liked the idea of early deafness again he had this tough guy attitude about him. Gosh, didn't he give me some filthy looks but I had to laugh at him oh I had to laugh. Because he was playing Britney Spears. What a douche.
Random Alcoholic Beverage: Bundaberg Rum
Ok so that wasn't really random... it's my favourite drink.
Anyway till tomorrow
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
Always and Never
Elrow Dent(My character): Howdy Stranger
Water man hides under a rock and dies of dehydration.
End Scene.
What the hell man, I mean seriously.
Another thing, the subway at kelvin grove really needs to learn how to toast their bread. I mean come on by the time I got it it was so crispy it could have passed or be used as the same polystyrene boxes I had to break up last friday. Honestly I could not think of anything I would not rather eat than one of their toasted sandwhichs for breakfast. I actually threw away the last of it because it tasted so horribly bad. It's actually lowered the low standards that I had for fast food.
Bler, I'm getting pretty slack with these blogs, not on purpose though. Just haven't got enough time at the moment. Anyway I got to draw up my clint eastwood mouse sometime so I'll post it up when it's done.
Random Piece of Clothing: A Pair of Pants
Till Tomorrow