Monday, October 01, 2007

Story writing don't mind me


A storm was brewing; ominous grey clouds covered the night sky, suffocating the moon from view, creating a forlorn scene above of the empty old house. The house itself was nothing particular, four walls and a roof. All the lights were off, and all that could be heard was the low drone of a computer buzzing like swarm of bees. The dull glow emitted from the monitor was only strong enough to cast glimpses of faded silhouettes upon the distant wall.


Odette dozed in the field, her solemn green eyes searching the vast sky for unobtainable answers to unasked questions. Remembering back to the night her father died.
“Ask the big questions Odette! Don’t let them cover your eyes” He said, rushing her into the cupboard. Through the slits she could see the tragic scene unfolding before her eyes.
Two muscly henchmen kicked in the door, no need for manners in their line of work, and headed determined for the man cowering in front of the cupboard.
“You’ve been summoned, old man” The one on the left said, his voice matching his facial expression; emotionless.
“What does he want with a defencelessly decrepit man, such as myself?” He tried to stay calm but fear held tight his voice and shook it like a baby’s rattle.
“I know not of his purposes, only of my orders” He answered.
“But why? Why me?”
“You know too much!” With that, the discussion was over the two men rushed in grabbing the elderly man by his arms and dragged him out kicking and screaming.
“No, help! Somebody, anybody! Help me!” As time passed his voice dimmed until all that could be heard was a faint echo reverberating into the silent night.


Jason sat alone on the bench, fingering through the local newspaper. He grumbled at the realisation that he lost fifty dollars; caught on the wrong end of a sports bet, his home team lost twenty four to sixteen. His stomach let out a low rumble, he replied with a groan and tried rubbing it back to good health; to no avail. It seemed that the only antidote to this ailment was a tasty medium steak together with freshly cut tomato, lettuce, and beetroot thrown between two buns seasoned with a light sprinkling of sesame seeds.

Looking around he rested his eyes on a small restaurant across the road, Steak’n Bacon, he debated the pros and cons comparing the healthiness of the meal to the unsurmountable hunger that pestered him. It was a one sided debate and after only a couple of seconds his stomach won. He begged his body to move and it obeyed slowly at first and then more nimbly once he got moving, only stopping when he reached the edge of the road. Looking both ways he made sure that there was no cars in sight.

Without a doubt in his mind he walked out onto the road; one foot following the other. In his mind he was already choosing what toppings he wanted, a droplet of saliva slipped from the side of his open mouth. He dabbed at his mouth with his shirt sleeve, his pace slowed and his vision no longer focused on the dangers that the road presented. He failed to notice the distance roar of an engine creating a crescendo as each moment passed.

It all happened so fast.
Jason’s knee’s buckled.
A body flew over the car.
The squeal of breaks tore through the air.
A pair of eyes closed.
A heart stopped beating.

I've been using my blogging time to write my story for an assignment. I haven't proof read it yet, but all the same I hope you enjoy.

Random Guy Talked About Today: Rabbit Man
Till Tomorrow

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