Ok, I seriously don't get people who dress gothic/emo. Today was hot, and by hot I was sweating just sitting down. You go for a small walk and come back as if you just jumped of niagra (viagra.... hehehe... dam you immaturity!) falls, yet still you have these guys wearing full black leather jackets, down to long pants and boots. How the hell can you do that? I seriously wanted to take off my clothes not put more on.
Anyway, I need to give Chris a shout out. Work chris that is, probably the funniest guy this side of a line drawn between funny people and not so funny people. Though yeah, he is my partner in crime at work. We usually just bitch about ken or other stuff which amuses us or attempt to rap. We are the Crave (chrave, chris dave = chrave) Train after all. So let me attempt to drop the QTAC RAP.
This is the QTAC RAP
It's shit, it's horrible, I accept that
but we continue to rhyme
like a pair of lyrical masterminds
planting literal C4 up your behinds
rapping like it's a crime
we'll keep on doing it till the end of time
well just before
because that's who we are
the boys from QTAC
always got your back
Bang bang skeet skeet, peace out y'all.
Random Person's Birthday Tomorrow: Stephanie Lai
Till Tomorrow
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Monday, October 29, 2007
Another day another dollar, and by another dollar I mean another thousand dollars. I got my tax refund back today woo hoo. Now time to buy that Xbox 360, well I mean, after my exams next week. Sort of beginning to enter panic mode, a permanent browning of the pants with the idea that tests are just around the corner.
Anyway I should apologize to Stephy, I sorta did do an open letter to her yesterday but the only reason for this is because a lot of people make the same mistake, myself included. You can't be so hard on yourselves. I mean life will always have it's ups and downs, it's one constant kick in crutch after another you get that breath of fresh air for a second before BAM! A free vasectomy for you!
So yeah, me and Kate got up to more mischief today. As we do. We should create an office gang or something and roam the streets picking out people's flaws and giving them funny nicknames. We philosophise about relationships and what they mean, whether a kiss was a sympathy kiss, or something much deeper. It's an interesting time. Guys helpful hint: Don't get yourself drunk at your 'want to be' girlfriends place and use it as an excuse to stay the night. It's not attractive, in fact down right arrogant.
Anyway Doctor Dave is making a house call
Random Topping on my Sub: Olives
Till Tomorrow
P.S. That poem was mostly written by Steph, I just dotted the i's and crossed the t's.
Anyway I should apologize to Stephy, I sorta did do an open letter to her yesterday but the only reason for this is because a lot of people make the same mistake, myself included. You can't be so hard on yourselves. I mean life will always have it's ups and downs, it's one constant kick in crutch after another you get that breath of fresh air for a second before BAM! A free vasectomy for you!
So yeah, me and Kate got up to more mischief today. As we do. We should create an office gang or something and roam the streets picking out people's flaws and giving them funny nicknames. We philosophise about relationships and what they mean, whether a kiss was a sympathy kiss, or something much deeper. It's an interesting time. Guys helpful hint: Don't get yourself drunk at your 'want to be' girlfriends place and use it as an excuse to stay the night. It's not attractive, in fact down right arrogant.
Anyway Doctor Dave is making a house call
Random Topping on my Sub: Olives
Till Tomorrow
P.S. That poem was mostly written by Steph, I just dotted the i's and crossed the t's.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Dave hates poems.
Nevertheless he still helped me with it (a lot of it). It's for a school assignment so please dig in and criticise.
NOTE: It's suppose to be about the atomic bombing in Hiroshima.
Be With You
By Stephanie Lai
The ominous flash now abating
A new darkness has dawned.
I look across the room,
To where you were standing.
But all I see are our memories,
You are gone.
The sakuras flashed gold
As the last crinkle was smoothed.
The purest white kimono will be drowned,
In the tumbling rain outside.
It was of no concern.
You were the only thought on my mind.
Tears stinging my eyes
Like a child in a sandpit I dig,
Through a sea of twisted metal and shattered glass.
Blood leaking from broken skin.
I uncover your hand and pull you free,
You struggle to say, “I love you.”
Tears glistened my eyes
As I looked into yours.
On our day come and gone
Holding hands in the shrine, united in soul.
The priest asked a question
You replied softly, “I do.”
Now spirited away, your grip quickly loosening,
Heartbeat fading.
I lay my head upon your chest
Only to weep of this thought;
Never again will I feel the sweet touch of your lips.
If only I could be with you.
I draw in a quick breath,
Realisation floods through me.
In life we are apart,
In death we could be together.
In search of something deadly
To plunge into this aching heart.
I remember our day clearly.
Reiterating my vows,
I will be with you for all eternity-
A deal sealed with a kiss.
I open my eyes, to my joy I see
Now I need to write a short story..
Random thing in my fridge: White Chocolate Mudcake
Till some undetermined day in the future
NOTE: It's suppose to be about the atomic bombing in Hiroshima.
Be With You
By Stephanie Lai
The ominous flash now abating
A new darkness has dawned.
I look across the room,
To where you were standing.
But all I see are our memories,
You are gone.
The sakuras flashed gold
As the last crinkle was smoothed.
The purest white kimono will be drowned,
In the tumbling rain outside.
It was of no concern.
You were the only thought on my mind.
Tears stinging my eyes
Like a child in a sandpit I dig,
Through a sea of twisted metal and shattered glass.
Blood leaking from broken skin.
I uncover your hand and pull you free,
You struggle to say, “I love you.”
Tears glistened my eyes
As I looked into yours.
On our day come and gone
Holding hands in the shrine, united in soul.
The priest asked a question
You replied softly, “I do.”
Now spirited away, your grip quickly loosening,
Heartbeat fading.
I lay my head upon your chest
Only to weep of this thought;
Never again will I feel the sweet touch of your lips.
If only I could be with you.
I draw in a quick breath,
Realisation floods through me.
In life we are apart,
In death we could be together.
In search of something deadly
To plunge into this aching heart.
I remember our day clearly.
Reiterating my vows,
I will be with you for all eternity-
A deal sealed with a kiss.
I open my eyes, to my joy I see
Now I need to write a short story..
Random thing in my fridge: White Chocolate Mudcake
Till some undetermined day in the future
And More Drama...
Steph! Dammit girl,you got to stop blaming yourself for everything that happens between us. It takes two to tango, and two to have an argument, and two to have a relationship. Stop shouldering the world, you're not Atlas... Or are you? Huh? Didn't think so. I'm the luckiest guy in the world to have you, I just forget myself sometimes. So babe (despite how much you hate being called that, it was either that or my sweet african sugar monkey, on second thought that would of been better)...
If I made you feel second best, I'm sorry I was blind... You were always on my mind.
Yeah it's a Michael Buble` song but still, it's the thought that counts.
Anyway back to being injured from baseball, though this time it was my fault. The ball got drilled back up the middle, and I stuck out my bare hand to try and stop it. Well it sort of looks like this:

Ouchie, good news is that it came off me and went straight to the shortstop who was standing on the base. Hurray, an out. We lost the game though which was pretty depressing. There was a turning point and we just lost ourselves after that.
Good news for those who want more pics, the dude, a dude. Stan was taking photo's during the game today. I'll send him an email see if I can get my hands on some of my action shots.
Anyway thats enough out of me
Random Person Who Called Me: Kate
Till Tomorrow
P.S. Mind the hat hair would you...
If I made you feel second best, I'm sorry I was blind... You were always on my mind.
Yeah it's a Michael Buble` song but still, it's the thought that counts.
Anyway back to being injured from baseball, though this time it was my fault. The ball got drilled back up the middle, and I stuck out my bare hand to try and stop it. Well it sort of looks like this:

Ouchie, good news is that it came off me and went straight to the shortstop who was standing on the base. Hurray, an out. We lost the game though which was pretty depressing. There was a turning point and we just lost ourselves after that.
Good news for those who want more pics, the dude, a dude. Stan was taking photo's during the game today. I'll send him an email see if I can get my hands on some of my action shots.
Anyway thats enough out of me
Random Person Who Called Me: Kate
Till Tomorrow
P.S. Mind the hat hair would you...
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Uneaten hegehog....
Well Dave land's normal, lasted a day. Feeling like absolute ass, I haven't frowned this badly since I got rejected from the course I wanted to get into. Not even this extremely hilarious youtube clip could wipe the smile off my face:
I mean, this is how bad I am feeling right now. I tip toed down stairs, crawled behind the furniture (army style), went into sneak mode in the kitchen. Scavenged a lost helpless hedgehog slice who got seperated from it's herd. Pocketed it in my pants, crawled back along the ground. Ran into my mum and persuaded her that I was only following a trail of ants, which I doubt she bought though gave me enough time to make a run for it. Finally getting back to my room, and you know what?
I had no apetite.
It's someone/someones/or something has strung two weights from the side of my mouth and held my smile hostage. Bunch of emotional meglomaniacs, trying to take over my face for their own evil purposes. Soon I'll be making weird, and annoying faces at everyone... Only this time it won't be on purpose!
Anyway I hoped you laughed at my misery.
Random Candidate Last Name: Roper
Till Tomorrow
I mean, this is how bad I am feeling right now. I tip toed down stairs, crawled behind the furniture (army style), went into sneak mode in the kitchen. Scavenged a lost helpless hedgehog slice who got seperated from it's herd. Pocketed it in my pants, crawled back along the ground. Ran into my mum and persuaded her that I was only following a trail of ants, which I doubt she bought though gave me enough time to make a run for it. Finally getting back to my room, and you know what?
I had no apetite.
It's someone/someones/or something has strung two weights from the side of my mouth and held my smile hostage. Bunch of emotional meglomaniacs, trying to take over my face for their own evil purposes. Soon I'll be making weird, and annoying faces at everyone... Only this time it won't be on purpose!
Anyway I hoped you laughed at my misery.
Random Candidate Last Name: Roper
Till Tomorrow
Friday, October 26, 2007
Is being a slut a hereditary disease or something because I saw three girls, well two girls and their mum. They were all so skankified, I mean one was wearing a slipknot shirt (is liking slipknot a crime? no, but wearing their T-Shirt is. Especially, if you are wearing too much make up and overweight.), the other was wearing a T-Shirt that said "I'm a bitch, just not yours." And the mum was wearing a shirt with monkey's, which probably wasn't that bad but give off an aura of skankiness. So I made a judgement call, maybe being a skank does run in the family.
Alright so my part of my job is being an examiner, which means I'm the guy at the front of the room falling asleep behind the walls of a good book. Though today in my test there was a brother and sister couple. How do I know this? They both had red hair! All people red haired people extend from Great Beard the Red, an acient norse god who took a shower in the blood of Zeus. Then mated with a human woman... and a horse. Point is that they were brother and sister and as silly as it may sound I had to keep one eye on one and another eye on the other. By the end of the two hours I was dizzy and had a massive headache.
In other news, things went back to normal in Dave land. Well normal as they can get in this mixed up world of mine. Which is great, I'm in love, and in love with being in love.
This love bird has to go sing
Random Thing I'm Looking Forward To: Perth!
Till Tomorrow
Alright so my part of my job is being an examiner, which means I'm the guy at the front of the room falling asleep behind the walls of a good book. Though today in my test there was a brother and sister couple. How do I know this? They both had red hair! All people red haired people extend from Great Beard the Red, an acient norse god who took a shower in the blood of Zeus. Then mated with a human woman... and a horse. Point is that they were brother and sister and as silly as it may sound I had to keep one eye on one and another eye on the other. By the end of the two hours I was dizzy and had a massive headache.
In other news, things went back to normal in Dave land. Well normal as they can get in this mixed up world of mine. Which is great, I'm in love, and in love with being in love.
This love bird has to go sing
Random Thing I'm Looking Forward To: Perth!
Till Tomorrow
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Mission Complete!
Today I came to the realisation how much I hate poetry. It's such literal non-sense, I'm going to stick with writing short stories and other stuff that people could possibly (though highly unlikely) be interested in. I mean can't even understand this lyrical rubbish.
So yeah, just finished an assignment and handed it in. One hour before it's due, talk about being fashionably late... Well early... Well late early. Whatever, or evs, depending on how hip you are.
Lastly some stuff happened today, and I was like wow. It was great.
See what poetry does to me? Makes my brain turn to gibberish. Ugghhh. It's so retarded one day I have to much to write about the next day I have none. Though to be honest I did something today which I shouldn't have, kinda worried about how the next few weeks will pan out now. Don't know who to talk to about it either, I might end up hurting someones feelings.... Why is life so complicated sometimes?
Anyway that'll be enough worrying from me today
Random Game on My PC: Gunbound
Till Tomorrow
So yeah, just finished an assignment and handed it in. One hour before it's due, talk about being fashionably late... Well early... Well late early. Whatever, or evs, depending on how hip you are.
Lastly some stuff happened today, and I was like wow. It was great.
See what poetry does to me? Makes my brain turn to gibberish. Ugghhh. It's so retarded one day I have to much to write about the next day I have none. Though to be honest I did something today which I shouldn't have, kinda worried about how the next few weeks will pan out now. Don't know who to talk to about it either, I might end up hurting someones feelings.... Why is life so complicated sometimes?
Anyway that'll be enough worrying from me today
Random Game on My PC: Gunbound
Till Tomorrow
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Diffusion Gradient
An update for those who don't know, it's a little late but South Africa won the Rugby World Cup. Boring.... The actual grand final match sucked as well, not one try was scored. What's the point of tries if no one actually attempts to get one, why not just make the field oval and call it AFL. I know, it's a bit drastic but still the point remains.
Okay, so what is the deal with machoism in this day and age. I mean the pure act of chivalry is almost dead, well, more so in hiding. The fact that girls are unconceivable as being the 'good' sex, is utter lies. In fact most of the girls I know would be considered down right evil compared to me. Not just voodoo and black magic evil we are talking about sacrificing lambs and eating cats evil. Yeah, it really is that bad...
Anyway, check out these cool videos of transformer costumes. Not really big on the whole cosplay thing, but you have to admire the effort and blatant disregard for any self respect:
Random Saying: You can not make milk into cheese!
Till Tomorrow
Okay, so what is the deal with machoism in this day and age. I mean the pure act of chivalry is almost dead, well, more so in hiding. The fact that girls are unconceivable as being the 'good' sex, is utter lies. In fact most of the girls I know would be considered down right evil compared to me. Not just voodoo and black magic evil we are talking about sacrificing lambs and eating cats evil. Yeah, it really is that bad...
Anyway, check out these cool videos of transformer costumes. Not really big on the whole cosplay thing, but you have to admire the effort and blatant disregard for any self respect:
Random Saying: You can not make milk into cheese!
Till Tomorrow
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Oh No It's Mario!
Alright, Linkin Park is officially awesome. The show was fantastic, and both me and Big D were satisfied with the concert. Highlights of the night, giving Chris Cornell the finger, getting involved in the monstrous mexican waves during the intermission, listening to hit after hit from Linkin Park, and finally offering some vanilla fingers to the guys in the car next to us. All in all it was a great night.
I must say though, I felt out of place being there. Not that I'm not an emo,I might be though I wouldn't say so, but like people were rocking out. Like Big D he was standing up head banging, waving his hands around like a maniac and I just sat there in the chair. I mean, they were awesome but I'm not just about to make a fool of myself because of that. I got a persona, albiet a crappy one, to attend to. So yeah I'm not a hard rocker, maybe I'm a soft rocker, or maybe I'm not a rocker at all. I don't know, whats the difference, are their any lines in rock 'n' roll, I thought it was all about breaking the lines and sticking it to the man. Dang it, now I've just gone and confused my lil ol' head.
Anyway, hypocrits, I officially hate them. I mean not people who contradict themselves on purpose but these ultimate slutty hoe bags who go around wearing a shirt that says "Cheer up emo kid." THIS SHIRT IS EMO! Hence, wearing it makes you emo, so in actuality you're not only emo but a moron for wearing a shirt that insults your sub-culture. And yes, we saw this shirt about 14 times last night. And yes, I was annoyed everytime I saw it. On the topic of bad taste in clothes, have you seen these shirts which are completely black/white then in some fluro writing says "I love my boyfriend" or something overly cliche`d like that? What it should say is "I love looking bad" or "I love bad taste" or something along those lines.
Ugh, today's one of those days when I have too many things to write about. I'll keep it there for now, consider yourself lucky.
Random Stand Up Comedian: George Carlin
Till Tomorrow
P.S. Check it out 100 posts ->
P.S.S. Check it out almost 600 views. Woo, I'm somebody.
I must say though, I felt out of place being there. Not that I'm not an emo,I might be though I wouldn't say so, but like people were rocking out. Like Big D he was standing up head banging, waving his hands around like a maniac and I just sat there in the chair. I mean, they were awesome but I'm not just about to make a fool of myself because of that. I got a persona, albiet a crappy one, to attend to. So yeah I'm not a hard rocker, maybe I'm a soft rocker, or maybe I'm not a rocker at all. I don't know, whats the difference, are their any lines in rock 'n' roll, I thought it was all about breaking the lines and sticking it to the man. Dang it, now I've just gone and confused my lil ol' head.
Anyway, hypocrits, I officially hate them. I mean not people who contradict themselves on purpose but these ultimate slutty hoe bags who go around wearing a shirt that says "Cheer up emo kid." THIS SHIRT IS EMO! Hence, wearing it makes you emo, so in actuality you're not only emo but a moron for wearing a shirt that insults your sub-culture. And yes, we saw this shirt about 14 times last night. And yes, I was annoyed everytime I saw it. On the topic of bad taste in clothes, have you seen these shirts which are completely black/white then in some fluro writing says "I love my boyfriend" or something overly cliche`d like that? What it should say is "I love looking bad" or "I love bad taste" or something along those lines.
Ugh, today's one of those days when I have too many things to write about. I'll keep it there for now, consider yourself lucky.
Random Stand Up Comedian: George Carlin
Till Tomorrow
P.S. Check it out 100 posts ->
P.S.S. Check it out almost 600 views. Woo, I'm somebody.
What... he asked for it. Though he got it wrong when Chris said that no one in the crowd had flipped him off all night. I flipped him off. Ask Big D, he's my witness. So I was more than overjoyed when he wanted the crowd to rip into him. Though I must say, that Chris played a pretty decent gig. Though he was completely over shadowed by the main event, Linkin Park. Man the crowd went off, there were times when the singer (Sorry not a huge LP fan anymore, Mike or the other guy?) was screaming and I couldn't hear him over the obscenely loud cheers of the crowd. So all in all it was a great night.
We also got some great stories to come out of it as well. Begining with being frisked up by some old bat (was it really necessary to grap my ass?), to an empty can of vanilla fingers and my bladder. Though one story, was this guy who we met in the line for some merchandise. We began conversing after I made the comment 'All the proceeds from tonight go to charity' which made us all giggle a little. So we were in line for twenty minutes or so deciding what we were going to buy, if anything, personally I was opposed to begin with. Though after waiting twenty minutes I had a hunger, that needed to be fed. So anyway, we discussed the pros and cons of each of the items, as well as how much they would of cost to make compared to the perceived cost they were selling them for.
So after twenty minutes waiting the joke of the moment was that we would hit the front counter and they would be sold out. Unfortunately for our new found friend this was the case, with the store being sold out of both the beanie that he wished to purchase as well as his size of shirt. I had a guilty chuckle to myself, as he retired empty handed. I'm a cruel person....
Anyway I'll tell you more later on
Random Thing I Stood In Line For: ATM
Till Then
We also got some great stories to come out of it as well. Begining with being frisked up by some old bat (was it really necessary to grap my ass?), to an empty can of vanilla fingers and my bladder. Though one story, was this guy who we met in the line for some merchandise. We began conversing after I made the comment 'All the proceeds from tonight go to charity' which made us all giggle a little. So we were in line for twenty minutes or so deciding what we were going to buy, if anything, personally I was opposed to begin with. Though after waiting twenty minutes I had a hunger, that needed to be fed. So anyway, we discussed the pros and cons of each of the items, as well as how much they would of cost to make compared to the perceived cost they were selling them for.
So after twenty minutes waiting the joke of the moment was that we would hit the front counter and they would be sold out. Unfortunately for our new found friend this was the case, with the store being sold out of both the beanie that he wished to purchase as well as his size of shirt. I had a guilty chuckle to myself, as he retired empty handed. I'm a cruel person....
Anyway I'll tell you more later on
Random Thing I Stood In Line For: ATM
Till Then
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Coming at You Like a Shark With Knees
So today I got dragged into umpiring, hurray, hence why my chest hurts at the moment. Apparently, I can't go near baseball without being hurt in some way, shape, or form. Today it was a ball to the chest. Which for some reason made my asthma act up, why? I don't know. Not that a ball to the chest helps anyway.
Anyway the biggest thing today was that I spoke to Steph's mum today. Wow, that was awkward. I was totally not expecting that. Though it seemed to go OK, I got her to laugh a few times, though had to apologize once or twice for using sayings when I probably shouldn't have. Thank the lord that it's not her that I have to impress so much as Steph. However, I think I'll trick her into liking me with my good looks (cough) and charm (cough cough).
Lastly, I've been pretty slack with my uni work. Not that I've been trying to, it's just been hard to find the right information. Kind of annoying that they do a lecture on Human Resource Management however it focuses on a completely different segment to what the assignment. Thanks guys,for completely useless subject material. I've so totally given up going to the lectures for that subject. Such a waste of time.
Anyway I'm back to being myself I wonder how much this will last
Random Thing I'm Doing Tomorrow: Work....
Till Tomorrow
P.S. You should never sleep or the monkey folk will steal your face.
Anyway the biggest thing today was that I spoke to Steph's mum today. Wow, that was awkward. I was totally not expecting that. Though it seemed to go OK, I got her to laugh a few times, though had to apologize once or twice for using sayings when I probably shouldn't have. Thank the lord that it's not her that I have to impress so much as Steph. However, I think I'll trick her into liking me with my good looks (cough) and charm (cough cough).
Lastly, I've been pretty slack with my uni work. Not that I've been trying to, it's just been hard to find the right information. Kind of annoying that they do a lecture on Human Resource Management however it focuses on a completely different segment to what the assignment. Thanks guys,for completely useless subject material. I've so totally given up going to the lectures for that subject. Such a waste of time.
Anyway I'm back to being myself I wonder how much this will last
Random Thing I'm Doing Tomorrow: Work....
Till Tomorrow
P.S. You should never sleep or the monkey folk will steal your face.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
We Just Know that the Fight Ain't Fair...
I don't know why but for the last couple of days I've felt like absolute ass. By that I mean that I've just been feeling under the weather, for the most part I've been sleeping half the day away, maybe more. I don't know I'm just not myself. I guess the thing is that I wish my life was a fairy tale or had some sort of fairy tale. Ever walk down the street looking at people and going 'I wish I was that guy.' That's what I feel sometimes. I just hope it all works out, I'm sick of being hurt.
That being said I stubbornly volunteered to do plate umpiring for the minor team tomorrow and if the past is any indication of what's going to happen. I suspect I'm going to get hurt a whole alot more tomorrow. Last time I copped a baseball right on my hand, and another two on my legs. I was one sore brother after those games. That's for sure. Though it's pretty fun, calling strikes and balls, you basically have full control over the game and can tip the game in anysides favour (insert evil laugh here). Not that I do any of that.
Check out my new quote of the day thingo on the side somewhere ->, although I got it set to love quotes. What can I say? I'm a romantic at heart or at least I like to think I am.
I went to see Rogue Assassin last night, pretty rubbish movie, to see my review check out Dave and Bob's Community Blogs!.
Anyway I'm going back to bed.
Random Show I've been Watching: The Mighty Boosh
Till Tomorrow
That being said I stubbornly volunteered to do plate umpiring for the minor team tomorrow and if the past is any indication of what's going to happen. I suspect I'm going to get hurt a whole alot more tomorrow. Last time I copped a baseball right on my hand, and another two on my legs. I was one sore brother after those games. That's for sure. Though it's pretty fun, calling strikes and balls, you basically have full control over the game and can tip the game in anysides favour (insert evil laugh here). Not that I do any of that.
Check out my new quote of the day thingo on the side somewhere ->, although I got it set to love quotes. What can I say? I'm a romantic at heart or at least I like to think I am.
I went to see Rogue Assassin last night, pretty rubbish movie, to see my review check out Dave and Bob's Community Blogs!.
Anyway I'm going back to bed.
Random Show I've been Watching: The Mighty Boosh
Till Tomorrow
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Today was a day of realisation and pain. Mainly pain. Though I was thinking long and hard about my future. Alot of 'what if?'s were asked, and answered. To be honest it saddened me deeply. Though I made the realisation right then and there:
Fuck The Future
That's it. All of my infinite wisdom compressed into one crude insight. Fuck The Future, and it's true. Whats going to happen, is going to happen. How much control do we have anyway? Not alot. At least that's what I think. So what the hell, lets live in the here and now and have as much fun as we can.
Now comes the pain. WHAT THE HELL BASEBALL YOU WIFE BEATER! I have no idea why I'm playing baseball at the moment, it's only brought me pain. In the last two weeks I've played I got beamed both times. Now at training I've been smashed into twice, so I'm writing this with an ice pack, covered in blood, on my nose. Hurray, I took baseball's hand in marriage and it treats me with a kick to the nuts. Well more a shoulder to the nose.
Well time to get more ice
Random Retort To 'Are you OK?': It's still attached to my face.
Till Tomorrow
Fuck The Future
That's it. All of my infinite wisdom compressed into one crude insight. Fuck The Future, and it's true. Whats going to happen, is going to happen. How much control do we have anyway? Not alot. At least that's what I think. So what the hell, lets live in the here and now and have as much fun as we can.
Now comes the pain. WHAT THE HELL BASEBALL YOU WIFE BEATER! I have no idea why I'm playing baseball at the moment, it's only brought me pain. In the last two weeks I've played I got beamed both times. Now at training I've been smashed into twice, so I'm writing this with an ice pack, covered in blood, on my nose. Hurray, I took baseball's hand in marriage and it treats me with a kick to the nuts. Well more a shoulder to the nose.
Well time to get more ice
Random Retort To 'Are you OK?': It's still attached to my face.
Till Tomorrow
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Sorry, no video today. I need a fair bit of time to make one that I like and so far I've just made one that I don't like. Mainly because of my voice, it's so weird hearing your voice. I was like yeah I got a smooth pimp assed voice, fully equipped with mags, a subwoofer, and a leather interior. Now I'm like ughhh who is this extremely handsome chump with the wacked vocal cords. There goes my self esteem.
Anyway what I was going to go off on today, was there was this guy in my class. Who thinks it's cool to wear tight purple jeans. Believe me it's not, however, who am I to judge. I'm weaing a Mr Messy shirt, got a funky hairdo, and a hello kitty key chain on my bag. Isn't that the definition of cool?
Lastly, me and my mate Bob (a.k.a Tuck, Robert, The China Man from Japan, and Billy Tomoly) are running this blogging site where it's a more tight nit community of blogging. Where we hit tough issues like games, movies, music and more. So yeah, I attached a link to the side of the page somewhere around there ->

Anyway that's me
Random Book I Carried Today: The Science of Numerology
Till Tomorrow
Anyway what I was going to go off on today, was there was this guy in my class. Who thinks it's cool to wear tight purple jeans. Believe me it's not, however, who am I to judge. I'm weaing a Mr Messy shirt, got a funky hairdo, and a hello kitty key chain on my bag. Isn't that the definition of cool?
Lastly, me and my mate Bob (a.k.a Tuck, Robert, The China Man from Japan, and Billy Tomoly) are running this blogging site where it's a more tight nit community of blogging. Where we hit tough issues like games, movies, music and more. So yeah, I attached a link to the side of the page somewhere around there ->

Anyway that's me
Random Book I Carried Today: The Science of Numerology
Till Tomorrow
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Okay still trying to work out how to upload the video file. Despite the process being 'easy' it's still being a pain in the ass and not uploading for me.
Close your eyes children it may take another form!
Though yeah, bought a webcam for my desktop. Pretty funky, doubt I will be doing many blogs off it though. Mainly because I don't like listening to my voice... I sound... Australian (Believe it or not!). Though yeah, thought I'd check it out. If you haven't seen/heard me before it's quite a shock!
Though otherwise you'll just shake your head and go Dave, you're an idiot. I'll post up another video later on. After I get my haircut this arvo. Should be interesting.
Anyway Till Then
Random Thing I Want To Buy: Plasma TV
Till Sometime later Today
Monday, October 15, 2007
What's it Like in New York City?
Today was a day that shouldn't have happened. In fact we formed a club of five people at work who all agreed today should not have happened. Maybe we came down with a bad case of monday-itis. A rare disease found in cubicles around the world, it can only be cured by monkey clowns who ride around in little cars. Unfortunately for us it presents fatal in 20% of cases - one of us won't live to see tomorrow.
Let's pray it's not me.
So yeah, despite having an extra long sleep (due to the fact that I wanted yesterday to end early) I still woke up tired. What's the go with that? It's like eating a six-course meal and being hungry still. Then for some reason I was angry with someone who I shouldn't have been angry at. I mean it wasn't their fault, it's just like I came down with a severe case of PMS.... I should check for blood in my urine.
Lastly for today, I started watching Band of Brothers. Possibly, the greatest mini-series ever. In fact, dare I say it, IT IS THE GREATEST. Bam, in your faces I said it. Prove me wrong otherwise, I'll be waiting. Little there is to be said except I loved it. Fantastic. Except for Ross from Friends, he reminded me of an angry shrew, I bet he was still upset from losing Rachel for the umpteenth time thats why he is so angry.... poor Ross.
Anyway that's me for today
Random Guy Work Kate has Dated: Jealous Dog Guy (not to be confused with Dog Man)
Till Tomorrow
Let's pray it's not me.
So yeah, despite having an extra long sleep (due to the fact that I wanted yesterday to end early) I still woke up tired. What's the go with that? It's like eating a six-course meal and being hungry still. Then for some reason I was angry with someone who I shouldn't have been angry at. I mean it wasn't their fault, it's just like I came down with a severe case of PMS.... I should check for blood in my urine.
Lastly for today, I started watching Band of Brothers. Possibly, the greatest mini-series ever. In fact, dare I say it, IT IS THE GREATEST. Bam, in your faces I said it. Prove me wrong otherwise, I'll be waiting. Little there is to be said except I loved it. Fantastic. Except for Ross from Friends, he reminded me of an angry shrew, I bet he was still upset from losing Rachel for the umpteenth time thats why he is so angry.... poor Ross.
Anyway that's me for today
Random Guy Work Kate has Dated: Jealous Dog Guy (not to be confused with Dog Man)
Till Tomorrow
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Push to Talk

This is me, bearing my war wounds from todays game. Got hit with a ball. Sorta my fault I bent down for a curve ball. Curved into my back. Though when it's coming as fast as it was there isn't really time to make a judgement call. There's just enough time for your eyes to light up, bend down or take half a step, and the thought 'holy shit it's going to hit me!' to run through your head before you feel the sharp pain in your side and your wind knocked out of you.
Though the worst part of being hit is the fact that it's a pitcher-batter confrontation. There are several ways to which to react to being hit but the thing is that you gotta play your cards in just the right way so that you win the battle. Personally I go for the no reaction approach, so you get hit and then just run off and pretend that nothing happened... So far it's worked for me. I think. It gives off the impression that I'm tougher than I actually am.
I got two compliments today, I guess I should be happy, someone told me that I must have been pumped full of steroids because I'm stronger than I look. Another said that the team should be happy because they have 'David Fucking Williams'. Yeah, I guess complimenting people isn't a baseballer's strong suit. We should stick with the ass slapping and calling each other 'Babe'. What... it's a man's game.
Other than baseball I'm in a pretty deep funk at the moment. Something's annoying me, I don't know what it is but it's making me angry. I fear something is going to happen soon. I don't know what, but I don't want it too.
Anyway I'm off
Random Illuminating Object: Lamp
Till Tomorrow
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Dancing Cows!
Firstly Stephy is awesome. Cheers for yesterday's insight into the world of Steph. Secondly James Blunt's new cd does not appeal to my tastes just sounds like some guy crying in song format.It's the cd that turns a happy guy depressed, and a sad guy take the plunge. Anyway have a read of this, as it's like the introduction to my groups game. Written by the Dave (That's right Stephanie I can write in third person as well) anyway check it out:
As a child I was brought up on myths about hell. ‘Fiery pits of the under lord’ I was told and I believed them. Now that I’m older, I know what hell is. I’ve been living there for the past fifteen years. Trapped alone with my alter ego, Stephanie, and deemed unfit to live amongst normal people. So they put me in this cell and left me to rot.
Fifteen long years I’ve been waiting when finally she stopped. I thought she was playing – hide and seek was her favorite game – until she started disappearing from the therapy sessions. It was lonely to begin with, her voice no longer floating around in my head made way for more depressing things. So my life began to dull, my eyes no longer fully opened. It was only then that I was to be released into the masses. This is where my story begins.
Escorted by two male guards I shuffled down the hall; my feet stumbling forward often connecting with the floor. To the sides there were other prisoners, some yelling, some whispering, I couldn’t make sense of any of them though. So I didn’t look, keeping my eyes focused on the elevator at the end of the hall. There was a guard in front of the lift waiting for my party. As we got closer he began talking.
“Prisoner 001785692, by the state of Jaguania I now pronounce you mentally stable upon order of Marcus Shartophsci lead psychiatrist in this facility. By mention of this statement you are now a free man. Please enter the elevator and head to the ground floor.”
So yeah, that's a taste of what our groups game is all about. It's weird, I'm doing so much organising at the moment it really makes me think I've matured as a person. Then I realise that I still laugh when I say 'penis'. So maybe I haven't really matured that much...
Anyway that's enough out of me
Random Series I'm Watching: Heroes
Till Tomorrow
As a child I was brought up on myths about hell. ‘Fiery pits of the under lord’ I was told and I believed them. Now that I’m older, I know what hell is. I’ve been living there for the past fifteen years. Trapped alone with my alter ego, Stephanie, and deemed unfit to live amongst normal people. So they put me in this cell and left me to rot.
Fifteen long years I’ve been waiting when finally she stopped. I thought she was playing – hide and seek was her favorite game – until she started disappearing from the therapy sessions. It was lonely to begin with, her voice no longer floating around in my head made way for more depressing things. So my life began to dull, my eyes no longer fully opened. It was only then that I was to be released into the masses. This is where my story begins.
Escorted by two male guards I shuffled down the hall; my feet stumbling forward often connecting with the floor. To the sides there were other prisoners, some yelling, some whispering, I couldn’t make sense of any of them though. So I didn’t look, keeping my eyes focused on the elevator at the end of the hall. There was a guard in front of the lift waiting for my party. As we got closer he began talking.
“Prisoner 001785692, by the state of Jaguania I now pronounce you mentally stable upon order of Marcus Shartophsci lead psychiatrist in this facility. By mention of this statement you are now a free man. Please enter the elevator and head to the ground floor.”
So yeah, that's a taste of what our groups game is all about. It's weird, I'm doing so much organising at the moment it really makes me think I've matured as a person. Then I realise that I still laugh when I say 'penis'. So maybe I haven't really matured that much...
Anyway that's enough out of me
Random Series I'm Watching: Heroes
Till Tomorrow
Couple of months ago I quit the MMORPG Ragnarok Online. I handed the account over to a friend and deleted it off my computer. Yesterday, I downloaded the game again, though a different server. What can I say..? I'm an addict, and some friends asked me to join them again. Basically watched about 6 episodes Evangelion and then played Ragnarok for the whole day. What a waste of a day D:. I need more balance in my life.
Sorry for the half-assed blog. It's past midnight. Steph is tired.
Goodnight blog readers.
Random plush toy in my room: Monokuro

Till some undetermined day in the future
PS: Hope your happy tuckie >:
Sorry for the half-assed blog. It's past midnight. Steph is tired.
Goodnight blog readers.
Random plush toy in my room: Monokuro

Till some undetermined day in the future
PS: Hope your happy tuckie >:
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Just a Quickie
Well it's 11:47pm and I'm just starting this blog. My eyes are drooping, my body wants to go to sleep and yet I'm here writing this mofo. Now, thats dedication, if I was you guys I would build a monument in my name and then go about creating stories around my adventures which you tell your kids and they tell their kids and so forth. Throughout history I will forever be known as the most idiotic ranter ever!
Anyway, I'm real tired so I'm going to cut it short
- I'm pitching b grade, which is a step up for me. It's against my will, but apparently they have no other option.
-I'm organizing more stuff for uni, despite my real distaste for organizing as well as unskilled at it.
- Being run off my feet with business, I don't have free day this week... I'm in hell! Wait I'm not in heaven or hell I'm on an airplane!
That will do for today, sorry for the crappy post...
Random Pitch I Like to Throw: Slider
Till Tomorrow
Anyway, I'm real tired so I'm going to cut it short
- I'm pitching b grade, which is a step up for me. It's against my will, but apparently they have no other option.
-I'm organizing more stuff for uni, despite my real distaste for organizing as well as unskilled at it.
- Being run off my feet with business, I don't have free day this week... I'm in hell! Wait I'm not in heaven or hell I'm on an airplane!
That will do for today, sorry for the crappy post...
Random Pitch I Like to Throw: Slider
Till Tomorrow
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
I love you Scrotfiend!
New blog, new blog, new blog, the chant arises from the rebelous crowd inside my head. "Quiet you guys, I can't concentrate!" So yeah, anyway I had a good day (unfortunately couldn't top yesterday that was too awesome) but it was still good. I'm not a superstitious person but it was definately the cold coffee flavoured milk that I had first thing I woke up, that made yesterday so good. So I think I'm going to try that again tomorrow. Notice, that I said cold coffee flavoured milk instead of iced coffee? What's the difference? I don't know. However, it advertises itself as coffee flavoured milk and by all means I'll respect it's wishes.
In other news, today I couldn't stop laughing at one point. Like the first time I saw old greg (OLD GREG's GOT A MANGINA I'M OLD GREGGG!). Whats so funny? Well my drawing skills for one, or lack there of, as I drew this door that meant to look as though rays of light were beaming out of it. Turns out it looked like a door with hair on it. Thus it was christened 'The Hairy Door,' which did and still does remind me of futurama's 'The Scary Door' hilariously linked below:
Anyway from that the jokes came thick and fast. Which if I told you, you would shake your head and go "That is not funny." but it was....
So yeah the rest of the day I read my book, did other stuff. Basically chilled out for an undetermined amount of time. Hmmm... I think I've thrown you guys enough bad puns and funny links for one day.
Random PEZ Dispenser Character in My Room: Fiona Shrek
Till Tomorrow
In other news, today I couldn't stop laughing at one point. Like the first time I saw old greg (OLD GREG's GOT A MANGINA I'M OLD GREGGG!). Whats so funny? Well my drawing skills for one, or lack there of, as I drew this door that meant to look as though rays of light were beaming out of it. Turns out it looked like a door with hair on it. Thus it was christened 'The Hairy Door,' which did and still does remind me of futurama's 'The Scary Door' hilariously linked below:
Anyway from that the jokes came thick and fast. Which if I told you, you would shake your head and go "That is not funny." but it was....
So yeah the rest of the day I read my book, did other stuff. Basically chilled out for an undetermined amount of time. Hmmm... I think I've thrown you guys enough bad puns and funny links for one day.
Random PEZ Dispenser Character in My Room: Fiona Shrek
Till Tomorrow
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Done Bleeding Ignorance
What a great day... supercalafragelisticexpialadocious in fact.
Now I know what you're thinking, he did not just write supercalafragelisticexpialadocious, and let me assure you... I did. It was fantastic I woke up to the sound of the phone ringing, with the person on the other end telling me my baseball team has fallen apart. YES! Not that I don't like being a coach, it's just I didn't like the kids I was coaching. Underneath this smooth, rugged, hunk of an exterior lies the beating heart of a perfectionist wanting to get out.
I ran into Kate on the train, we got a talking about life, love, and everything that isn't as interesting. I got to talk about Steph, well I didn't say much just that I absolutely adore her. It was weird because I didn't talk too much she asked "Are you embarressed about her?" To that I replied "God no, she's the best thing in my life." It's true, she is, but I mean there is a reason that I don't like to talk about Steph and that's because so far it has all been over the internet/phone and while we are hoping to change that soonish. I don't think people will understand how we feel about each other. (Cop my soppyness, Thanks for Plain White T's for saying the words in my head).
Anyway, today has been really exciting and I don't think I'll write it all down here. In fact if I did I would find trouble not missing out anything. Though it's been very musical. Listening to Ben Lee religiously (I wonder why), however more importantly Foo Fighters released a new album, also listening to new James Blunt and another band called James. Which is also pretty awesome. Check it out here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UuXO-LQIRt4
Anyway I got to write a plot outline for a game
Random Thing that Broke Down: Train
Till Tomorrow
P.S. Stephy your hair looks supercalafragelisticexpialadocious.
Now I know what you're thinking, he did not just write supercalafragelisticexpialadocious, and let me assure you... I did. It was fantastic I woke up to the sound of the phone ringing, with the person on the other end telling me my baseball team has fallen apart. YES! Not that I don't like being a coach, it's just I didn't like the kids I was coaching. Underneath this smooth, rugged, hunk of an exterior lies the beating heart of a perfectionist wanting to get out.
I ran into Kate on the train, we got a talking about life, love, and everything that isn't as interesting. I got to talk about Steph, well I didn't say much just that I absolutely adore her. It was weird because I didn't talk too much she asked "Are you embarressed about her?" To that I replied "God no, she's the best thing in my life." It's true, she is, but I mean there is a reason that I don't like to talk about Steph and that's because so far it has all been over the internet/phone and while we are hoping to change that soonish. I don't think people will understand how we feel about each other. (Cop my soppyness, Thanks for Plain White T's for saying the words in my head).
Anyway, today has been really exciting and I don't think I'll write it all down here. In fact if I did I would find trouble not missing out anything. Though it's been very musical. Listening to Ben Lee religiously (I wonder why), however more importantly Foo Fighters released a new album, also listening to new James Blunt and another band called James. Which is also pretty awesome. Check it out here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UuXO-LQIRt4
Anyway I got to write a plot outline for a game
Random Thing that Broke Down: Train
Till Tomorrow
P.S. Stephy your hair looks supercalafragelisticexpialadocious.
Monday, October 08, 2007
Yay Naked People!
Well for the last two days I've been doing nothing but university work. It's taken its toll, it's ten o clock and I'm tired. Dead tired. My eyes are opening and closing my mind drifting in and out of consciousness. I don't like being this tired, I don't like any kind of tiredness. Hell, I should just go to sleep. That is, to say, if I wasn't trying to talk to Steph.
I was having crazy thoughts today, one side of my brain was like 'What if I punched this person who I have no affiliation to?' and then common sense kicked in. 'Why the hell are you thinking that you douche!' I think I suffer from some sort of multipersonality disorder, not literally, but I mean there is more to me than meets the eye. Like people who read my writing are genuinely like you're so mature, and then people who talk to me are like you're so immature. I guess I can't win, I can't really put myself out there in one package.
I ran into some guy from my Business group, yeah the one I was previously complaining about. It was weird because he was like "How are you going on the reflection of the other assignment?" To be honest I haven't touched it until tonight but just said that "I'm just about finished." Just to keep up the appearance of this over achieving square that I'm trying to portray (for reasons I don't know). Anyway the story continues when he says "I have no idea what to write about, aye" and I'm like "Of course you don't YOU WEREN'T THERE MAN!" Gosh I sounded like a vietnam vet. Except less honourable.
Anyway I'm going to get some shut eye. Night all.
Random Thing That's Annoying Me: Steph's Internet
Till Tomorrow
I was having crazy thoughts today, one side of my brain was like 'What if I punched this person who I have no affiliation to?' and then common sense kicked in. 'Why the hell are you thinking that you douche!' I think I suffer from some sort of multipersonality disorder, not literally, but I mean there is more to me than meets the eye. Like people who read my writing are genuinely like you're so mature, and then people who talk to me are like you're so immature. I guess I can't win, I can't really put myself out there in one package.
I ran into some guy from my Business group, yeah the one I was previously complaining about. It was weird because he was like "How are you going on the reflection of the other assignment?" To be honest I haven't touched it until tonight but just said that "I'm just about finished." Just to keep up the appearance of this over achieving square that I'm trying to portray (for reasons I don't know). Anyway the story continues when he says "I have no idea what to write about, aye" and I'm like "Of course you don't YOU WEREN'T THERE MAN!" Gosh I sounded like a vietnam vet. Except less honourable.
Anyway I'm going to get some shut eye. Night all.
Random Thing That's Annoying Me: Steph's Internet
Till Tomorrow
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Story Completed!
Not a real blog entry, just giving the heads up that I have finished my story. I hope you've enjoyed watching it form over the past week. Now, without further ado:
Mutatis Mutandis
A storm was brewing; ominous grey clouds covered the night sky, suffocating the moon from view, creating a forlorn scene above an empty old house. The house itself was nothing particular, four walls and a roof. The lights were off, and all that could be heard was the low drone of a computer buzzing, sounding like swarm of bees. The dull glow emitted from the monitor cast glimpses of faded silhouettes upon the distant wall.
Odette laid back in the field, her solemn green eyes searching the vast sky for answers to questions unasked. Remembering back to the night her father died.
“Ask the big questions Odette! Don’t let them cover your eyes,” he said, rushing her into the cupboard. Through the slits she could see the tragic scene unfolding before her eyes.
Two muscly henchmen kicked in the door, no need for manners in their line of work, and headed determined for the man cowering in front of the cupboard.
“You’ve been summoned, old man,” the one on the left said, his voice matching his facial expression; emotionless.
“What does he want with a defencelessly decrepit man, such as myself?” He tried to stay calm but fear held tight his voice and it shook like a baby’s rattle.
“I know not of his purpose, only of my orders” He answered.
“But why? Why me?”
“You know too much!” The discussion was over. The two men rushed in grabbing the elderly man by his arms and dragged him out kicking and screaming.
“No, help! Somebody, anybody! Help me!” As time passed his voice faded until all that could be heard was a faint echo reverberating in the silent night. A stream of agonising tears raced down the face of an innocent girl. It was raining inside the cupboard.
Odette opened her eyes. Her breath was heavy, her eyes were dilated, and her lips were a quiver. She shook her head from side to side trying desperately to clear her mind of such a frightening memory. It didn’t work. A lonely tear seeped from her eye. She brushed it away quickly. She was stronger now.
Jason sat alone on the bench, fingering through the local newspaper. He grumbled at the realisation that he lost fifty dollars; caught on the wrong end of a sports bet, his home team lost twenty four to sixteen. His stomach let out a low rumble; he replied with a groan and tried rubbing it back to good health to no avail. It seemed that the only antidote to this ailment was a tasty medium steak together with freshly cut tomato, lettuce, and beetroot thrown between two buns seasoned with a light sprinkling of sesame seeds.
Looking around he rested his eyes on a small restaurant across the road, Steak n’ Bacon. He compared the healthiness of the meal to the unsurmountable hunger that pestered him. It was a one sided debate and after only a couple of seconds his stomach won. He begged his body to move and it obeyed slowly at first and then more nimbly once he got moving, only stopping when he reached the edge of the road. Looking both ways he made sure that there was no cars in sight.
Without a doubt he walked out onto the road. In his mind he was already choosing what toppings he wanted, a droplet of saliva slipped from the side of his open mouth. He dabbed it with his shirt sleeve, his pace hastened and his vision no longer focused on the perils that the road presented. He failed to notice the distance roar of a car engine creating a crescendo as each moment passed.
It all happened so fast.
Jason’s knees buckled.
A body flew over the car.
The squeal of breaks tore through the air.
A pair of eyes closed.
A heart stopped beating.
Odette sat up; she had laid down enough today and decided it was time to do something. Odette didn’t really partake in the regular activities that girls her age would. This was understandable; Odette had lived the past three years by herself and rarely trusted anyone. So on this sunny Tuesday afternoon, she decided to go to the library, nothing more enjoyable to the young miss than immersing herself within a fortress of words created by the likes of George Orwell, Charles Dickens, and other great authors of recent history.
She crossed the city, not walking too slowly but still people rushed passed. It seemed that ever since her father died humanity was always running ahead and she was being discarded like the scraps of yesterday’s dinner. The street was full of people, yet somehow she felt like the only one there. All the dissimilar faces looked the same in blur, as if under this shell called skin they were one figure; a generic figure that all humans inherit as right of birth. It was these things that crowded her thoughts as she made her way down the busy sidewalk.
The sun had sunk deep into the afternoon before Odette reached her destination. She let out a small smile as a cool gust of air from inside the library rushed out to meet her at the door. Once upon a time Odette’s father told her to ask the big questions. She interpreted this in the best way she knew how, through the art of philosophy. So it was no surprise when she found that her feet carrying her to that section within the library.
There wasn’t much of a selection at the library; then again in this day and age books were superceded by their media counterparts. That’s probably why Odette had such a profound connection to those of the literary sort. Realising she was alone she reached out to the shelf and gently ran her fingers across the spines of several books noting that they were all alphabetized by order of the author’s last name. Odette was searching for something that she hadn’t read before, which proved difficult. At one point she even thought of giving up until she saw it.
An olden book with the title edged down the spine. ‘The Philosophy of Two Worlds’ it read. There was no author, no publisher, nothing that could be used as an identifier as to where this book came from. Odette was stunned; she couldn’t take her eyes off the cover. It was like this book was something else, possessed, giving off an aura of power. She looked up and found she was no longer alone instead she was faced by two strangers.
“You’ve been summoned.”
Jason opened his eyes, it didn’t do much good. He was surrounded by nothing but emptiness, as if he was drowning in an ocean of dark seawater. The nothingness filled his lungs and slowly drained his energy. He struggled against it; kicking and flailing about, it didn’t help.
“Help!” he screamed, the word fell off into the distance. The only reply was the cold bitter silence that surrounded his body. Helpless, he gave up; surrendering himself to the omnipotent shadow.
Jason had calculated that he had been floating for about half an hour before a loud, abrupt, mechanical sound cut through the silence like a fax machine making a call, or a dial-up modem connecting to a host. Jason covered his ears, but the sound was harsh and penetrated straight through his hands. He yelled out, trying to match the noise.
“ARRGGHH!” He fell short, his voice drowned out by the horrible, digital, sound. It only lasted a short time, but felt like an eternity passed before it had stopped was replaced by a low drone. There was a small bright light in front of him. A friendly light, Jason was overjoyed; solitary had taken its toll.
“Hello” Jason tried to communicate, which ordinarily would seem weird and something he wouldn’t do but he was floating in a pitch black pool of nothingness; anything seemed possible.
“CONNECTION ESTABLISHED.” The voice echoed, bouncing off of invisible walls. The light didn’t move, but it was obvious that it was the source of the voice.
“Who are you? What is this place?” Jason asked, these questions had been plaguing his mind ever since he entered.
“I AM A GEOMETRIC OMNIPOTENT DISPLACEMENT OR G.O.D AND THIS IS MY ROOM.” It sounded unhuman, never stuttering, pausing for breath or stopping to think, it sounded almost robotic.
“Your room?”
“Both worlds? Correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t there only one?”
“So what world did I come from? I lost my money gambling, so I’m guessing it’s imperfect.”
“Wait, didn’t you just say that one was perfect?”
“Hmmm… okay so what is a form?”
Jason honestly had no idea what this thing was going on about, and while something deep down inside him cared about what exactly it was saying there was a more pressing question on Jason’s mind.
“Okay, okay. I understand now, but I have a question for you.”
“I assume I’m here because I’m dead? Is this correct?”
“So what happens to me now?”
“CONNECTION ESTABLISHED.” The voice tolled like a church bell. Odette’s eyes sprung open finding herself face to face with a light.
“W-What’s going on?” Odette whimpered, lost in cocktail of emotions; fear, confusion, and anxiety topping the list.
“DO NOT BE ALARMED. YOU HAVE BEEN BROUGHT HERE BECAUSE I HAVE SUMMONED YOU.” Odette’s vision was blurred, her head was hurting, but still she made sense of the situation.
“Summoned me? Wait, are you the one who took my father? What’s going on who are you? What are you?”
“Deal… does that mean my father is alive?”
This was the first news that she had heard since his death, or what she perceived was his death. Odette found herself crying once more, this time for the right reason, her father was alive.
“What do you mean, my father is dead, I saw your men take him away. I haven’t seen him since.” She managed to spurt out through strangled sobs.
“Reborn, reborn what? Where was he reborn?”
“War, corruption, and the homeless. It’s hardly what one would call perfect.”
The realisation of this truth hit Odette hard as tears continued to exude from her eyes.
“Why are you telling me this? What’s going to happen to me?”
There was a long pause.
Another pause.
She let out sigh. At last, twelve hours of excruciating labour had ended. This was her second baby and though she was used to the process, it wasn’t any easier. The nurse came wetted down a sponge and dabbed at her forehead gathering beads of sweat. She laid there exhausted, the doctor held the prize in his hands. A baby, 3.6 kilos, cried out looking for someone warm and loving to attach itself too. The doctor handed the baby to the mother and she held it close to her breast.
“What do you wish to call him?” He asked.
Odette opened her eyes, again she found herself in a weird, unusual place. Surrounded by unfamiliar faces gathering in a circle, at the forefront there was a slim kid with wavy blonde hair. He looked at Odette with hazel eyes, the same hazel eyes that was taken away from her that unfaithful night.
“Are you alright?” Odette rushed forward wrapping her arms around the boy and pulling him tight. The boy was taken aback, but accepted the embrace for what it was; a showing token of affection. It was the first time she had smiled in a long time. As this was indeed her father.
The computer sat there alone, content with itself, the silhouettes were still dancing against the distant wall. So much had happened, but so little had changed; the computer still buzzed. A man died, a child was born, a woman changed worlds, and found her father yet the buzzing continued. In the end it’s all a game - the game of humanity to which no rules apply.
C’est la vie.
Mutatis Mutandis
A storm was brewing; ominous grey clouds covered the night sky, suffocating the moon from view, creating a forlorn scene above an empty old house. The house itself was nothing particular, four walls and a roof. The lights were off, and all that could be heard was the low drone of a computer buzzing, sounding like swarm of bees. The dull glow emitted from the monitor cast glimpses of faded silhouettes upon the distant wall.
Odette laid back in the field, her solemn green eyes searching the vast sky for answers to questions unasked. Remembering back to the night her father died.
“Ask the big questions Odette! Don’t let them cover your eyes,” he said, rushing her into the cupboard. Through the slits she could see the tragic scene unfolding before her eyes.
Two muscly henchmen kicked in the door, no need for manners in their line of work, and headed determined for the man cowering in front of the cupboard.
“You’ve been summoned, old man,” the one on the left said, his voice matching his facial expression; emotionless.
“What does he want with a defencelessly decrepit man, such as myself?” He tried to stay calm but fear held tight his voice and it shook like a baby’s rattle.
“I know not of his purpose, only of my orders” He answered.
“But why? Why me?”
“You know too much!” The discussion was over. The two men rushed in grabbing the elderly man by his arms and dragged him out kicking and screaming.
“No, help! Somebody, anybody! Help me!” As time passed his voice faded until all that could be heard was a faint echo reverberating in the silent night. A stream of agonising tears raced down the face of an innocent girl. It was raining inside the cupboard.
Odette opened her eyes. Her breath was heavy, her eyes were dilated, and her lips were a quiver. She shook her head from side to side trying desperately to clear her mind of such a frightening memory. It didn’t work. A lonely tear seeped from her eye. She brushed it away quickly. She was stronger now.
Jason sat alone on the bench, fingering through the local newspaper. He grumbled at the realisation that he lost fifty dollars; caught on the wrong end of a sports bet, his home team lost twenty four to sixteen. His stomach let out a low rumble; he replied with a groan and tried rubbing it back to good health to no avail. It seemed that the only antidote to this ailment was a tasty medium steak together with freshly cut tomato, lettuce, and beetroot thrown between two buns seasoned with a light sprinkling of sesame seeds.
Looking around he rested his eyes on a small restaurant across the road, Steak n’ Bacon. He compared the healthiness of the meal to the unsurmountable hunger that pestered him. It was a one sided debate and after only a couple of seconds his stomach won. He begged his body to move and it obeyed slowly at first and then more nimbly once he got moving, only stopping when he reached the edge of the road. Looking both ways he made sure that there was no cars in sight.
Without a doubt he walked out onto the road. In his mind he was already choosing what toppings he wanted, a droplet of saliva slipped from the side of his open mouth. He dabbed it with his shirt sleeve, his pace hastened and his vision no longer focused on the perils that the road presented. He failed to notice the distance roar of a car engine creating a crescendo as each moment passed.
It all happened so fast.
Jason’s knees buckled.
A body flew over the car.
The squeal of breaks tore through the air.
A pair of eyes closed.
A heart stopped beating.
Odette sat up; she had laid down enough today and decided it was time to do something. Odette didn’t really partake in the regular activities that girls her age would. This was understandable; Odette had lived the past three years by herself and rarely trusted anyone. So on this sunny Tuesday afternoon, she decided to go to the library, nothing more enjoyable to the young miss than immersing herself within a fortress of words created by the likes of George Orwell, Charles Dickens, and other great authors of recent history.
She crossed the city, not walking too slowly but still people rushed passed. It seemed that ever since her father died humanity was always running ahead and she was being discarded like the scraps of yesterday’s dinner. The street was full of people, yet somehow she felt like the only one there. All the dissimilar faces looked the same in blur, as if under this shell called skin they were one figure; a generic figure that all humans inherit as right of birth. It was these things that crowded her thoughts as she made her way down the busy sidewalk.
The sun had sunk deep into the afternoon before Odette reached her destination. She let out a small smile as a cool gust of air from inside the library rushed out to meet her at the door. Once upon a time Odette’s father told her to ask the big questions. She interpreted this in the best way she knew how, through the art of philosophy. So it was no surprise when she found that her feet carrying her to that section within the library.
There wasn’t much of a selection at the library; then again in this day and age books were superceded by their media counterparts. That’s probably why Odette had such a profound connection to those of the literary sort. Realising she was alone she reached out to the shelf and gently ran her fingers across the spines of several books noting that they were all alphabetized by order of the author’s last name. Odette was searching for something that she hadn’t read before, which proved difficult. At one point she even thought of giving up until she saw it.
An olden book with the title edged down the spine. ‘The Philosophy of Two Worlds’ it read. There was no author, no publisher, nothing that could be used as an identifier as to where this book came from. Odette was stunned; she couldn’t take her eyes off the cover. It was like this book was something else, possessed, giving off an aura of power. She looked up and found she was no longer alone instead she was faced by two strangers.
“You’ve been summoned.”
Jason opened his eyes, it didn’t do much good. He was surrounded by nothing but emptiness, as if he was drowning in an ocean of dark seawater. The nothingness filled his lungs and slowly drained his energy. He struggled against it; kicking and flailing about, it didn’t help.
“Help!” he screamed, the word fell off into the distance. The only reply was the cold bitter silence that surrounded his body. Helpless, he gave up; surrendering himself to the omnipotent shadow.
Jason had calculated that he had been floating for about half an hour before a loud, abrupt, mechanical sound cut through the silence like a fax machine making a call, or a dial-up modem connecting to a host. Jason covered his ears, but the sound was harsh and penetrated straight through his hands. He yelled out, trying to match the noise.
“ARRGGHH!” He fell short, his voice drowned out by the horrible, digital, sound. It only lasted a short time, but felt like an eternity passed before it had stopped was replaced by a low drone. There was a small bright light in front of him. A friendly light, Jason was overjoyed; solitary had taken its toll.
“Hello” Jason tried to communicate, which ordinarily would seem weird and something he wouldn’t do but he was floating in a pitch black pool of nothingness; anything seemed possible.
“CONNECTION ESTABLISHED.” The voice echoed, bouncing off of invisible walls. The light didn’t move, but it was obvious that it was the source of the voice.
“Who are you? What is this place?” Jason asked, these questions had been plaguing his mind ever since he entered.
“I AM A GEOMETRIC OMNIPOTENT DISPLACEMENT OR G.O.D AND THIS IS MY ROOM.” It sounded unhuman, never stuttering, pausing for breath or stopping to think, it sounded almost robotic.
“Your room?”
“Both worlds? Correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t there only one?”
“So what world did I come from? I lost my money gambling, so I’m guessing it’s imperfect.”
“Wait, didn’t you just say that one was perfect?”
“Hmmm… okay so what is a form?”
Jason honestly had no idea what this thing was going on about, and while something deep down inside him cared about what exactly it was saying there was a more pressing question on Jason’s mind.
“Okay, okay. I understand now, but I have a question for you.”
“I assume I’m here because I’m dead? Is this correct?”
“So what happens to me now?”
“CONNECTION ESTABLISHED.” The voice tolled like a church bell. Odette’s eyes sprung open finding herself face to face with a light.
“W-What’s going on?” Odette whimpered, lost in cocktail of emotions; fear, confusion, and anxiety topping the list.
“DO NOT BE ALARMED. YOU HAVE BEEN BROUGHT HERE BECAUSE I HAVE SUMMONED YOU.” Odette’s vision was blurred, her head was hurting, but still she made sense of the situation.
“Summoned me? Wait, are you the one who took my father? What’s going on who are you? What are you?”
“Deal… does that mean my father is alive?”
This was the first news that she had heard since his death, or what she perceived was his death. Odette found herself crying once more, this time for the right reason, her father was alive.
“What do you mean, my father is dead, I saw your men take him away. I haven’t seen him since.” She managed to spurt out through strangled sobs.
“Reborn, reborn what? Where was he reborn?”
“War, corruption, and the homeless. It’s hardly what one would call perfect.”
The realisation of this truth hit Odette hard as tears continued to exude from her eyes.
“Why are you telling me this? What’s going to happen to me?”
There was a long pause.
Another pause.
She let out sigh. At last, twelve hours of excruciating labour had ended. This was her second baby and though she was used to the process, it wasn’t any easier. The nurse came wetted down a sponge and dabbed at her forehead gathering beads of sweat. She laid there exhausted, the doctor held the prize in his hands. A baby, 3.6 kilos, cried out looking for someone warm and loving to attach itself too. The doctor handed the baby to the mother and she held it close to her breast.
“What do you wish to call him?” He asked.
Odette opened her eyes, again she found herself in a weird, unusual place. Surrounded by unfamiliar faces gathering in a circle, at the forefront there was a slim kid with wavy blonde hair. He looked at Odette with hazel eyes, the same hazel eyes that was taken away from her that unfaithful night.
“Are you alright?” Odette rushed forward wrapping her arms around the boy and pulling him tight. The boy was taken aback, but accepted the embrace for what it was; a showing token of affection. It was the first time she had smiled in a long time. As this was indeed her father.
The computer sat there alone, content with itself, the silhouettes were still dancing against the distant wall. So much had happened, but so little had changed; the computer still buzzed. A man died, a child was born, a woman changed worlds, and found her father yet the buzzing continued. In the end it’s all a game - the game of humanity to which no rules apply.
C’est la vie.
More Emotions
One emotion steph forgot to mention was Pea'd off (literally because I seriously have a pack of peas on my shoulder). Well because two horribly bad things happened withtin the space of twelve hours. One: The wallabies are now officially out of the rugby world cup. Two: My team got obliterated today, losing 16-1. Could this be the first signs of the impending apocolypse.... I think maybe.
Okay, so wallabies losing such a big thing to me. I don't know why, but I'm so crazy on rugby. Though last night the wallabies didn't deserve to win, they just weren't bringing the itensity. Personally, I believe that this game was lost on poor coaching. Starting with the Canadian game, last week, they fielded a weaker side and made like one thousand mistakes. Alot of these mistakes came through into the england game. Secondly, was the Ashley-Cooper vs Mitchell decision. Admittedly Ashley-Cooper has been really good in the weaker teams though I though he lacked experience and composure in this match, where as we saw Drew Mitchell made an immediate impact as he came on. Making two damaging breaks through the middle.
Apart from that, there was a lack of discipline from the team, especially from Dan Vickerman who isn't usually in those sorts of situations, but then I wasn't on the field they could of been talking stuff or doing things. Who knows, not me.
Now, as for today. We have this guy on our team David Hanlen, who is meant to be like this child prodigy but the reality of it is he isn't that good. Not only that, but he is a total asshole as well. A real self obsessed moron, yeah if you haven't figured I don't like him. The fact that his pitching alone dug us into a 11-1 hole and then he sits down and juggles balls like nothing has happened. It gets to me man, when I pitch that badly I'm almost in tears I get that upset. Anyway I got a bruised knee, a bloody elbow, and a sore shoulder and all I have is a weakened ego to show for it all.
Anyway that's enough ranting for now.
Random Band I Like: OK GO!
Till Tomorrow
Okay, so wallabies losing such a big thing to me. I don't know why, but I'm so crazy on rugby. Though last night the wallabies didn't deserve to win, they just weren't bringing the itensity. Personally, I believe that this game was lost on poor coaching. Starting with the Canadian game, last week, they fielded a weaker side and made like one thousand mistakes. Alot of these mistakes came through into the england game. Secondly, was the Ashley-Cooper vs Mitchell decision. Admittedly Ashley-Cooper has been really good in the weaker teams though I though he lacked experience and composure in this match, where as we saw Drew Mitchell made an immediate impact as he came on. Making two damaging breaks through the middle.
Apart from that, there was a lack of discipline from the team, especially from Dan Vickerman who isn't usually in those sorts of situations, but then I wasn't on the field they could of been talking stuff or doing things. Who knows, not me.
Now, as for today. We have this guy on our team David Hanlen, who is meant to be like this child prodigy but the reality of it is he isn't that good. Not only that, but he is a total asshole as well. A real self obsessed moron, yeah if you haven't figured I don't like him. The fact that his pitching alone dug us into a 11-1 hole and then he sits down and juggles balls like nothing has happened. It gets to me man, when I pitch that badly I'm almost in tears I get that upset. Anyway I got a bruised knee, a bloody elbow, and a sore shoulder and all I have is a weakened ego to show for it all.
Anyway that's enough ranting for now.
Random Band I Like: OK GO!
Till Tomorrow
Devastated. Disappointed. Dismayed. And Damn Frustrated. Is how Dave is feeling. Me too as well, but maybe to a lesser extent xD.
We are in outrage! Why? You might ask. Against all odds England beat Australia in the quarter finals of the Rugby World Cup, ultimately sending them packing. Revenge will be simmering in Australia's blood over the 4 year long wait until the next world cup. Hands down for Lote Tuquiri who scored the only try in the game, which was his first this world cup. Commendations to vice captain George Gregan who just played his last game for Australia. Dave managed to get me into rugby only this year so I'm no expert, I'll leave the details for him.
A welcoming message was left for me on MSN as I slumped back to my computer:
(8:31 PM) HANNAHWONG: ur fatt
(8:31 PM) HANNAHWONG: wrank chickk]
(8:35 PM) HANNAHWONG is now Offline
Thank you for the compliment and admiration Hannah. Though it was probably her friend/relative/hacker. Who knows? People are people. Stupid people annoy me D:.
Work was hell today.
Random sauce I like: Mayonaise
Till some undetermined day in the future
We are in outrage! Why? You might ask. Against all odds England beat Australia in the quarter finals of the Rugby World Cup, ultimately sending them packing. Revenge will be simmering in Australia's blood over the 4 year long wait until the next world cup. Hands down for Lote Tuquiri who scored the only try in the game, which was his first this world cup. Commendations to vice captain George Gregan who just played his last game for Australia. Dave managed to get me into rugby only this year so I'm no expert, I'll leave the details for him.
A welcoming message was left for me on MSN as I slumped back to my computer:
(8:31 PM) HANNAHWONG: ur fatt
(8:31 PM) HANNAHWONG: wrank chickk]
(8:35 PM) HANNAHWONG is now Offline
Thank you for the compliment and admiration Hannah. Though it was probably her friend/relative/hacker. Who knows? People are people. Stupid people annoy me D:.
Work was hell today.
Random sauce I like: Mayonaise
Till some undetermined day in the future
Saturday, October 06, 2007
Stephanie With The Save!
Ha ha stephy, I bet that wasn't nearly as bad as you were expecting and to be honest I quite enjoyed it. Anyway, like Steph said I'd been kicked off the internet (again)ironic that they were meant to switch me to a faster connection... not a dodgier one. Every night at around 9-10 it disconnects me and changes my IP, which wouldn't be so bad if I was on dial-up. Though DSL, what the hell Optus ughh. I didn't have this much trouble with dodo. Sorry for bitching, just annoyed I mean you expect a little bit of quality from such a big name... alas no deal.
So in other news the heavens have opened up and let me view their undergarments. By this I mean, my baseball team or 'baseball team' since I only have six players, was meant to be playing today, but got delayed because the GBBB (head honcho's of baseball) couldn't get their plans together. Yay, for organisation. However, they've honestly put me in a real bad spot, the club that is, and they want me to do stuff but I just don't have the time. I've been dead set flat out working my ass off.
My story, ahhh yes that, I've got three sections left to write I know what I want to write just not how to write it. So thats my duty this weekend, finish my story, go to baseball, watch the rugby, and then talk with steph. Sounds like a plan OK GO!
Speaking of OK GO check out their videos:
You'll laugh, you'll cry, you might even wee a little if you're lucky.
Random Thing I'm Eating: PEZ
Till Tomorrow
So in other news the heavens have opened up and let me view their undergarments. By this I mean, my baseball team or 'baseball team' since I only have six players, was meant to be playing today, but got delayed because the GBBB (head honcho's of baseball) couldn't get their plans together. Yay, for organisation. However, they've honestly put me in a real bad spot, the club that is, and they want me to do stuff but I just don't have the time. I've been dead set flat out working my ass off.
My story, ahhh yes that, I've got three sections left to write I know what I want to write just not how to write it. So thats my duty this weekend, finish my story, go to baseball, watch the rugby, and then talk with steph. Sounds like a plan OK GO!
Speaking of OK GO check out their videos:
You'll laugh, you'll cry, you might even wee a little if you're lucky.
Random Thing I'm Eating: PEZ
Till Tomorrow
Friday, October 05, 2007
Steph Cameo
"Hi y'all," said Kelly Clarkson over the radio. The radio DJs said it was cool how she kept saying "ya'll". I found it pure annoyance.
Silly Texans!
That includes you George Bush. You silly, silly man. All against George Bush say "I"!!
So, the story goes...
Dave's internet chucked a sissy and just won't cooperate with him anymore. He blames Optus. I blame Technology.
"Is it just me or is all technology against me?"
Yes Dave, sadly the bad guy named Technology is against you.
"Anyway some people just don't enjoy making a fool of themselves over the internet and I can respect that." Hi, I am the Steph Dave has been talking about and I am that kind of person, but here goes. I'm on a 2 week break at the moment and with my list of Movies To Watch growing I decided to rent out some DVDs. I waited for Tuesday or Crazy Tuesday as they call it at the video store around the corner from my place. Movie lovers are in bliss on Crazy Tuesdays, reason being all movies rented out are only $1!! -insert gasp- well except for the new movies that just came out on DVD. There always has to be a catch. Anyway, I rented out: Reign Over Me, Big Fish, Little Miss Sunshine, Anchorman, The Rage in Placid Lake and Stranger Than Fiction. 6 movies for $6, that's what I like. I must say Will Ferrell and Steve Carell are the greatest comics alive!
They were all great movies but I think Tony McNamara's The Rage in Placid Lake deserves more credit. I only discovered this movie because Ben Lee has the lead role (Dave and I are big fans). It was his first time acting but I think he did pretty well. He was great for the role as the smart talking, almost goofy Placid Lake who was a bit different from everybody else. He even has an in-the-storeroom-at-work-sex-scene and calls his Dad a f-ing cocksucker. Who would've thought out of all people for Ben Lee to be this character. Rose Byrne was great as Gemma the genius using her wit to get out of situations such as when she got home to find a hopeful, stark naked guy donning a dog collar and leash tied to her dining table wanting to...how do I say...pop her cherry? do the dirty deed? get downn wid teh ho? The movie is about Placid wanting to fit into the mainstream of things and decides to reinvents himself as an obedient corporate drone working in insurance. OK, may sound weird but it's a hilarious movie and I do recommend it. As in: Go Watch It Now Please :]. Plus you get to see Ben Lee half naked with his 6 packness. Disclosure: The previous comment may only be a bonus in my eyes.
Bedtime for me as I have a 6am start tomorrow. Work is silly. But before that I must rid of this enormous blowfly (currently situated on my computer screen) from my room.
Random thing Dave has called me: Sexy Little Acorn [I have no idea how I resemble an acorn.]
Till some undetermined day in the future
PS: I hope you liked the blog.
Silly Texans!
That includes you George Bush. You silly, silly man. All against George Bush say "I"!!
So, the story goes...
Dave's internet chucked a sissy and just won't cooperate with him anymore. He blames Optus. I blame Technology.
"Is it just me or is all technology against me?"
Yes Dave, sadly the bad guy named Technology is against you.
"Anyway some people just don't enjoy making a fool of themselves over the internet and I can respect that." Hi, I am the Steph Dave has been talking about and I am that kind of person, but here goes. I'm on a 2 week break at the moment and with my list of Movies To Watch growing I decided to rent out some DVDs. I waited for Tuesday or Crazy Tuesday as they call it at the video store around the corner from my place. Movie lovers are in bliss on Crazy Tuesdays, reason being all movies rented out are only $1!! -insert gasp- well except for the new movies that just came out on DVD. There always has to be a catch. Anyway, I rented out: Reign Over Me, Big Fish, Little Miss Sunshine, Anchorman, The Rage in Placid Lake and Stranger Than Fiction. 6 movies for $6, that's what I like. I must say Will Ferrell and Steve Carell are the greatest comics alive!
They were all great movies but I think Tony McNamara's The Rage in Placid Lake deserves more credit. I only discovered this movie because Ben Lee has the lead role (Dave and I are big fans). It was his first time acting but I think he did pretty well. He was great for the role as the smart talking, almost goofy Placid Lake who was a bit different from everybody else. He even has an in-the-storeroom-at-work-sex-scene and calls his Dad a f-ing cocksucker. Who would've thought out of all people for Ben Lee to be this character. Rose Byrne was great as Gemma the genius using her wit to get out of situations such as when she got home to find a hopeful, stark naked guy donning a dog collar and leash tied to her dining table wanting to...how do I say...pop her cherry? do the dirty deed? get downn wid teh ho? The movie is about Placid wanting to fit into the mainstream of things and decides to reinvents himself as an obedient corporate drone working in insurance. OK, may sound weird but it's a hilarious movie and I do recommend it. As in: Go Watch It Now Please :]. Plus you get to see Ben Lee half naked with his 6 packness. Disclosure: The previous comment may only be a bonus in my eyes.
Bedtime for me as I have a 6am start tomorrow. Work is silly. But before that I must rid of this enormous blowfly (currently situated on my computer screen) from my room.
Random thing Dave has called me: Sexy Little Acorn [I have no idea how I resemble an acorn.]
Till some undetermined day in the future
PS: I hope you liked the blog.
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Stephy Babes! Noooo!
Is it just me or is all technology against me? In the past week I've had my external hard drive die twice, my headphones screw up, and now my internet is coming and going as it pleases. Seriously it's like I'm the target of termination. I'm sort of worried to think about what's next so if I'm offline for about a week... it was my computer.
So yeah, yesterday I was deterred by lack of internet. Which came at the most inopportune time. Then again, anytime for your net to die without your prior knowledge would classify as the most inopportune time. The story continues when I sms'd Stephy "Halp ma net is SCREWED! Blog 4 mi plz. <3 lub lub lub" or something to that affect... Just more literate and less (is ugghhh an adjective? it is now) ugghhh. Anyway some people just don't enjoy making a fool of themselves over the internet and I can respect that. Then there are people like Chris Crocker( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHmvkRoEowc) and myself.
Anyway, from the story that I wrote. It seems that my writing has greatly improved, wouldn't you agree? Waits a day.... 0 comments. Yeah you agree. Nathaniel was like "Hey man I'll give you pleasurable intercourse if you send me the complete version" of course he never reads my blog but hey who am I to refuse any sort of intercourse.
To finish off here is a hilariously short video off youtube, if you've used microsoft word at least once in your liftetime you should find it funny as well. Else I'm just a complete geek (which is possible). Without further ado here it is:
Random Person I asked to Write my Blog: Steph (feeling guilty yet! Nah, it's all good go back to bed I say!)
Till Tomorrow
So yeah, yesterday I was deterred by lack of internet. Which came at the most inopportune time. Then again, anytime for your net to die without your prior knowledge would classify as the most inopportune time. The story continues when I sms'd Stephy "Halp ma net is SCREWED! Blog 4 mi plz. <3 lub lub lub" or something to that affect... Just more literate and less (is ugghhh an adjective? it is now) ugghhh. Anyway some people just don't enjoy making a fool of themselves over the internet and I can respect that. Then there are people like Chris Crocker( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHmvkRoEowc) and myself.
Anyway, from the story that I wrote. It seems that my writing has greatly improved, wouldn't you agree? Waits a day.... 0 comments. Yeah you agree. Nathaniel was like "Hey man I'll give you pleasurable intercourse if you send me the complete version" of course he never reads my blog but hey who am I to refuse any sort of intercourse.
To finish off here is a hilariously short video off youtube, if you've used microsoft word at least once in your liftetime you should find it funny as well. Else I'm just a complete geek (which is possible). Without further ado here it is:
Random Person I asked to Write my Blog: Steph (feeling guilty yet! Nah, it's all good go back to bed I say!)
Till Tomorrow
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Story Again + Stuff
G'day just wanting you guys to remember to vote =>
Been working pretty hardcore on this story as it is worth 40% of my grade so any comments/criticism/whatever about it would be appreciated. Anyway here it is again, about half done, still got to tie it all in together but all in due time. I hope you guys enjoy it. By the way, I'm looking for a new title for it, so if you guys think of something give me a yell.
So here it is
Random Character: Jason
Till Tomorrow
A storm was brewing; ominous grey clouds covered the night sky, suffocating the moon from view, creating a forlorn scene above of the empty old house. The house itself was nothing particular, four walls and a roof. The lights were off, and all that could be heard was the low drone of a computer buzzing like swarm of bees. The dull glow emitted from the monitor was only strong enough to cast glimpses of faded silhouettes upon the distant wall.
Odette laid back, dozing in the field, her solemn green eyes searching the vast sky for unobtainable answers to unasked questions. Remembering back to the night her father died.
“Ask the big questions Odette! Don’t let them cover your eyes” He said, rushing her into the cupboard. Through the slits she could see the tragic scene unfolding before her eyes.
Two muscly henchmen kicked in the door, no need for manners in their line of work, and headed determined for the man cowering in front of the cupboard.
“You’ve been summoned, old man” The one on the left said, his voice matching his facial expression; emotionless.
“What does he want with a defencelessly decrepit man, such as myself?” He tried to stay calm but fear held tight his voice and shook it like a baby’s rattle.
“I know not of his purposes, only of my orders” He answered.
“But why? Why me?”
“You know too much!” With that, the discussion was over the two men rushed in grabbing the elderly man by his arms and dragged him out kicking and screaming.
“No, help! Somebody, anybody! Help me!” As time passed his voice dimmed until all that could be heard was a faint echo reverberating into the silent night. A stream of agonising tears raced down the face of an innocent girl. It was raining inside the cupboard.
Odette opened her eyes. Her breath was heavy, her eyes were dilated, and her lips were a quiver. She shook her head from side to side trying desperately to clear her mind of such a frightening memory. It didn’t work. A lonely tear seeped from her eye. She brushed it away quickly. She was stronger now.
Jason sat alone on the bench, fingering through the local newspaper. He grumbled at the realisation that he lost fifty dollars; caught on the wrong end of a sports bet, his home team lost twenty four to sixteen. His stomach let out a low rumble; he replied with a groan and tried rubbing it back to good health; to no avail. It seemed that the only antidote to this ailment was a tasty medium steak together with freshly cut tomato, lettuce, and beetroot thrown between two buns seasoned with a light sprinkling of sesame seeds.
Looking around he rested his eyes on a small restaurant across the road, Steak n’ Bacon, he debated the pros and cons comparing the healthiness of the meal to the unsurmountable hunger that pestered him. It was a one sided debate and after only a couple of seconds his stomach won. He begged his body to move and it obeyed slowly at first and then more nimbly once he got moving, only stopping when he reached the edge of the road. Looking both ways he made sure that there was no cars in sight.
Without a doubt he walked out onto the road; one foot following the other. In his mind he was already choosing what toppings he wanted, a droplet of saliva slipped from the side of his open mouth. He dabbed at his mouth with his shirt sleeve, his pace slowed and his vision no longer focused on the dangers that the road presented. He failed to notice the distance roar of an engine creating a crescendo as each moment passed.
It all happened so fast.
Jason’s knees buckled.
A body flew over the car.
The squeal of breaks tore through the air.
A pair of eyes closed.
A heart stopped beating.
Odette sat up; she had laid down enough today and decided it was time to do something.
Jason opened his eyes, it didn’t do much good. He was surrounded by nothing but emptiness. As if he was drowning in an ocean of dark seawater. The nothingness filled his lungs and slowly drained his energy. He struggled against it; kicking and flailing about, it didn’t help.
“Help!” He screamed, the word fell off into the distance. The only reply was the cold bitter silence that surrounded his body. Helpless, he gave up; surrendering himself to the omnipotent shadow.
Jason had calculated that he had been floating for about half an hour before a loud, abrupt, mechanical sound cut through the silence like a fax machine making a call, or a dial-up modem connecting to a host. Jason covered his ears, but the sound was harsh and penetrated straight through his hands. He yelled out, trying to match the noise.
“ARRGGHH!” He fell short, his voice drowned out by the horrible, digital, sound. It only lasted a short time, but felt like an eternity passed before it had stopped and in its place a low drone. The only difference is that, now, there was a small bright light in front of him. A friendly light, Jason was overjoyed; solitary had taken its toll.
“Hello” Jason tried to communicate, which ordinarily would seem weird and something he wouldn’t do but he was floating in a pitch black pool of nothingness; anything seemed possible.
“CONNECTION ESTABLISHED” The voice echoed, bouncing off of invisible walls. The light didn’t move, but it was obvious that it was the one talking.
“Who are you? What is this place?” Jason asked, these questions had been plaguing his mind ever since he entered this place.
“I AM A GEOMETRIC OMNIPOTENT DISPLACEMENT OR G.O.D AND THIS IS MY ROOM.” It sounded unhuman, never stuttering, pausing for breath or to think, it sounded almost robotic.
“Your room?”
“YES MY ROOM. THE ROOM BETWEEN BOTH WORLDS.” Jason’s inquisitive nature soon recovered from the shock of the entire situation.
“Both worlds? Correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t there only one?”
“So what world did I come from? I lost my money gambling, so I’m guessing it’s imperfect.”
“Wait, didn’t you just say that one was perfect?”
“Hmmm… okay so what is a form?”
“Okay, okay. I understand now, but I have a question for you.”
“I assume I’m here because I’m dead? Is this correct?”
“So what happens to me now?”
“CONNECTION ESTABLISHED” The voice tolled like a church bell. Odette’s eyes sprung open finding herself face to face with a light.
Been working pretty hardcore on this story as it is worth 40% of my grade so any comments/criticism/whatever about it would be appreciated. Anyway here it is again, about half done, still got to tie it all in together but all in due time. I hope you guys enjoy it. By the way, I'm looking for a new title for it, so if you guys think of something give me a yell.
So here it is
Random Character: Jason
Till Tomorrow
A storm was brewing; ominous grey clouds covered the night sky, suffocating the moon from view, creating a forlorn scene above of the empty old house. The house itself was nothing particular, four walls and a roof. The lights were off, and all that could be heard was the low drone of a computer buzzing like swarm of bees. The dull glow emitted from the monitor was only strong enough to cast glimpses of faded silhouettes upon the distant wall.
Odette laid back, dozing in the field, her solemn green eyes searching the vast sky for unobtainable answers to unasked questions. Remembering back to the night her father died.
“Ask the big questions Odette! Don’t let them cover your eyes” He said, rushing her into the cupboard. Through the slits she could see the tragic scene unfolding before her eyes.
Two muscly henchmen kicked in the door, no need for manners in their line of work, and headed determined for the man cowering in front of the cupboard.
“You’ve been summoned, old man” The one on the left said, his voice matching his facial expression; emotionless.
“What does he want with a defencelessly decrepit man, such as myself?” He tried to stay calm but fear held tight his voice and shook it like a baby’s rattle.
“I know not of his purposes, only of my orders” He answered.
“But why? Why me?”
“You know too much!” With that, the discussion was over the two men rushed in grabbing the elderly man by his arms and dragged him out kicking and screaming.
“No, help! Somebody, anybody! Help me!” As time passed his voice dimmed until all that could be heard was a faint echo reverberating into the silent night. A stream of agonising tears raced down the face of an innocent girl. It was raining inside the cupboard.
Odette opened her eyes. Her breath was heavy, her eyes were dilated, and her lips were a quiver. She shook her head from side to side trying desperately to clear her mind of such a frightening memory. It didn’t work. A lonely tear seeped from her eye. She brushed it away quickly. She was stronger now.
Jason sat alone on the bench, fingering through the local newspaper. He grumbled at the realisation that he lost fifty dollars; caught on the wrong end of a sports bet, his home team lost twenty four to sixteen. His stomach let out a low rumble; he replied with a groan and tried rubbing it back to good health; to no avail. It seemed that the only antidote to this ailment was a tasty medium steak together with freshly cut tomato, lettuce, and beetroot thrown between two buns seasoned with a light sprinkling of sesame seeds.
Looking around he rested his eyes on a small restaurant across the road, Steak n’ Bacon, he debated the pros and cons comparing the healthiness of the meal to the unsurmountable hunger that pestered him. It was a one sided debate and after only a couple of seconds his stomach won. He begged his body to move and it obeyed slowly at first and then more nimbly once he got moving, only stopping when he reached the edge of the road. Looking both ways he made sure that there was no cars in sight.
Without a doubt he walked out onto the road; one foot following the other. In his mind he was already choosing what toppings he wanted, a droplet of saliva slipped from the side of his open mouth. He dabbed at his mouth with his shirt sleeve, his pace slowed and his vision no longer focused on the dangers that the road presented. He failed to notice the distance roar of an engine creating a crescendo as each moment passed.
It all happened so fast.
Jason’s knees buckled.
A body flew over the car.
The squeal of breaks tore through the air.
A pair of eyes closed.
A heart stopped beating.
Odette sat up; she had laid down enough today and decided it was time to do something.
Jason opened his eyes, it didn’t do much good. He was surrounded by nothing but emptiness. As if he was drowning in an ocean of dark seawater. The nothingness filled his lungs and slowly drained his energy. He struggled against it; kicking and flailing about, it didn’t help.
“Help!” He screamed, the word fell off into the distance. The only reply was the cold bitter silence that surrounded his body. Helpless, he gave up; surrendering himself to the omnipotent shadow.
Jason had calculated that he had been floating for about half an hour before a loud, abrupt, mechanical sound cut through the silence like a fax machine making a call, or a dial-up modem connecting to a host. Jason covered his ears, but the sound was harsh and penetrated straight through his hands. He yelled out, trying to match the noise.
“ARRGGHH!” He fell short, his voice drowned out by the horrible, digital, sound. It only lasted a short time, but felt like an eternity passed before it had stopped and in its place a low drone. The only difference is that, now, there was a small bright light in front of him. A friendly light, Jason was overjoyed; solitary had taken its toll.
“Hello” Jason tried to communicate, which ordinarily would seem weird and something he wouldn’t do but he was floating in a pitch black pool of nothingness; anything seemed possible.
“CONNECTION ESTABLISHED” The voice echoed, bouncing off of invisible walls. The light didn’t move, but it was obvious that it was the one talking.
“Who are you? What is this place?” Jason asked, these questions had been plaguing his mind ever since he entered this place.
“I AM A GEOMETRIC OMNIPOTENT DISPLACEMENT OR G.O.D AND THIS IS MY ROOM.” It sounded unhuman, never stuttering, pausing for breath or to think, it sounded almost robotic.
“Your room?”
“YES MY ROOM. THE ROOM BETWEEN BOTH WORLDS.” Jason’s inquisitive nature soon recovered from the shock of the entire situation.
“Both worlds? Correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t there only one?”
“So what world did I come from? I lost my money gambling, so I’m guessing it’s imperfect.”
“Wait, didn’t you just say that one was perfect?”
“Hmmm… okay so what is a form?”
“Okay, okay. I understand now, but I have a question for you.”
“I assume I’m here because I’m dead? Is this correct?”
“So what happens to me now?”
“CONNECTION ESTABLISHED” The voice tolled like a church bell. Odette’s eyes sprung open finding herself face to face with a light.
Monday, October 01, 2007
Story writing don't mind me
A storm was brewing; ominous grey clouds covered the night sky, suffocating the moon from view, creating a forlorn scene above of the empty old house. The house itself was nothing particular, four walls and a roof. All the lights were off, and all that could be heard was the low drone of a computer buzzing like swarm of bees. The dull glow emitted from the monitor was only strong enough to cast glimpses of faded silhouettes upon the distant wall.
Odette dozed in the field, her solemn green eyes searching the vast sky for unobtainable answers to unasked questions. Remembering back to the night her father died.
“Ask the big questions Odette! Don’t let them cover your eyes” He said, rushing her into the cupboard. Through the slits she could see the tragic scene unfolding before her eyes.
Two muscly henchmen kicked in the door, no need for manners in their line of work, and headed determined for the man cowering in front of the cupboard.
“You’ve been summoned, old man” The one on the left said, his voice matching his facial expression; emotionless.
“What does he want with a defencelessly decrepit man, such as myself?” He tried to stay calm but fear held tight his voice and shook it like a baby’s rattle.
“I know not of his purposes, only of my orders” He answered.
“But why? Why me?”
“You know too much!” With that, the discussion was over the two men rushed in grabbing the elderly man by his arms and dragged him out kicking and screaming.
“No, help! Somebody, anybody! Help me!” As time passed his voice dimmed until all that could be heard was a faint echo reverberating into the silent night.
Jason sat alone on the bench, fingering through the local newspaper. He grumbled at the realisation that he lost fifty dollars; caught on the wrong end of a sports bet, his home team lost twenty four to sixteen. His stomach let out a low rumble, he replied with a groan and tried rubbing it back to good health; to no avail. It seemed that the only antidote to this ailment was a tasty medium steak together with freshly cut tomato, lettuce, and beetroot thrown between two buns seasoned with a light sprinkling of sesame seeds.
Looking around he rested his eyes on a small restaurant across the road, Steak’n Bacon, he debated the pros and cons comparing the healthiness of the meal to the unsurmountable hunger that pestered him. It was a one sided debate and after only a couple of seconds his stomach won. He begged his body to move and it obeyed slowly at first and then more nimbly once he got moving, only stopping when he reached the edge of the road. Looking both ways he made sure that there was no cars in sight.
Without a doubt in his mind he walked out onto the road; one foot following the other. In his mind he was already choosing what toppings he wanted, a droplet of saliva slipped from the side of his open mouth. He dabbed at his mouth with his shirt sleeve, his pace slowed and his vision no longer focused on the dangers that the road presented. He failed to notice the distance roar of an engine creating a crescendo as each moment passed.
It all happened so fast.
Jason’s knee’s buckled.
A body flew over the car.
The squeal of breaks tore through the air.
A pair of eyes closed.
A heart stopped beating.
I've been using my blogging time to write my story for an assignment. I haven't proof read it yet, but all the same I hope you enjoy.
Random Guy Talked About Today: Rabbit Man
Till Tomorrow
A storm was brewing; ominous grey clouds covered the night sky, suffocating the moon from view, creating a forlorn scene above of the empty old house. The house itself was nothing particular, four walls and a roof. All the lights were off, and all that could be heard was the low drone of a computer buzzing like swarm of bees. The dull glow emitted from the monitor was only strong enough to cast glimpses of faded silhouettes upon the distant wall.
Odette dozed in the field, her solemn green eyes searching the vast sky for unobtainable answers to unasked questions. Remembering back to the night her father died.
“Ask the big questions Odette! Don’t let them cover your eyes” He said, rushing her into the cupboard. Through the slits she could see the tragic scene unfolding before her eyes.
Two muscly henchmen kicked in the door, no need for manners in their line of work, and headed determined for the man cowering in front of the cupboard.
“You’ve been summoned, old man” The one on the left said, his voice matching his facial expression; emotionless.
“What does he want with a defencelessly decrepit man, such as myself?” He tried to stay calm but fear held tight his voice and shook it like a baby’s rattle.
“I know not of his purposes, only of my orders” He answered.
“But why? Why me?”
“You know too much!” With that, the discussion was over the two men rushed in grabbing the elderly man by his arms and dragged him out kicking and screaming.
“No, help! Somebody, anybody! Help me!” As time passed his voice dimmed until all that could be heard was a faint echo reverberating into the silent night.
Jason sat alone on the bench, fingering through the local newspaper. He grumbled at the realisation that he lost fifty dollars; caught on the wrong end of a sports bet, his home team lost twenty four to sixteen. His stomach let out a low rumble, he replied with a groan and tried rubbing it back to good health; to no avail. It seemed that the only antidote to this ailment was a tasty medium steak together with freshly cut tomato, lettuce, and beetroot thrown between two buns seasoned with a light sprinkling of sesame seeds.
Looking around he rested his eyes on a small restaurant across the road, Steak’n Bacon, he debated the pros and cons comparing the healthiness of the meal to the unsurmountable hunger that pestered him. It was a one sided debate and after only a couple of seconds his stomach won. He begged his body to move and it obeyed slowly at first and then more nimbly once he got moving, only stopping when he reached the edge of the road. Looking both ways he made sure that there was no cars in sight.
Without a doubt in his mind he walked out onto the road; one foot following the other. In his mind he was already choosing what toppings he wanted, a droplet of saliva slipped from the side of his open mouth. He dabbed at his mouth with his shirt sleeve, his pace slowed and his vision no longer focused on the dangers that the road presented. He failed to notice the distance roar of an engine creating a crescendo as each moment passed.
It all happened so fast.
Jason’s knee’s buckled.
A body flew over the car.
The squeal of breaks tore through the air.
A pair of eyes closed.
A heart stopped beating.
I've been using my blogging time to write my story for an assignment. I haven't proof read it yet, but all the same I hope you enjoy.
Random Guy Talked About Today: Rabbit Man
Till Tomorrow
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