Anyway back on topic, another average day. Boring. I'm still waiting on giant robots to invade the planet like in the movies... guess I'm going to have wait a little bit longer. For now, and to fill in some space I'd thought I'd write some fun facts about myself.
Fun Fact #1: I have two middle names Timothy Norris.
Fun Fact #2: Every baseball team I have been involved in has made it to the finals.
Fun Fact #3: I play world of warcraft find me on Babaganuush or Sockless on frostmourne. "Horde superior, Alliance inferior" I agree soundwave.
Fun Fact #4: I have two dogs and a cat.
Fun Fact #5: I lied about the cat.
Fun Fact #6: My favourite colour is Green.
Fun Fact #7: I have a picture of a flower in my study.
Fun Fact #8: My star sign is a Taurus.
Fun Fact #9: My favourite drink is bundy and rum.
Fun Fact #10: I got an OP 9.
UnFun Fact #1: I needed an OP8.
UnFun Fact #2: I've never had a successful job interview.
UnFun Fact #3: I've never had a serious girlfriend.
UnFun Fact #4: My most humiliating moment, was trying out for the regional baseball team it was a team of 18 and 19 people turned up. I was the one who got cut. I've never tried out for regionals again.
UnFun Fact #5: Due to sedation not working, the dentist jabbed me with his needle 7 times... I now have a fear of dentists... and needles.
Alright that's me done for today, I've put myself out there love it or hate it doesn't really matter. However, before I go I want to turn your attention to the NO SWEAR CHALLENGE! Trying to change the world for the better I put it to you, you filthy blog readers, not to swear for a week! Can you do it, have you got the power? We shall see.
Random Answer: 63.2
See you tommorrow
P.S. Check out my poll and vote away => Cheesecake sucks... not really but it shouldn't be winning.
can i see your flower?
It's a fung shui flower so not as gay as it sounds D:
feng* >:|
picture please :D
lol sif flip/write backwards
way to epic fail!
Keep up the good work.
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