Monday, February 04, 2008

We are so silly....

I've come to the conclusion today that if there was a christmas tree of frivolous behaviour, we would be the angel. Nay! We would be the pharaoh looking down from the sphinx to which they mounted or the president of the local Redlands book club looking at a bunch of infants, mocking them on their illiteracy.

What brings on this array daring and yet excentric similes? I hear you asking. Well a compulation of things, both interpersonal as well as external. Like the fact that some applicant has changed their preferences about twenty times and paid for the last fifteen of them. Not the most cost effective strategy to get into university but EVs right? Keep on trucking brother!

Next is this one douchebag, who like the Hinze Dam, was overflowing with douche. It was seriously leaking out of every crevice of his body. If you believe that 'nothing' exists (as opposed to everything is connected) then every space between the particles which made up this person, was leaking douche. He has incurred my wrath with due warrant.
I, being the innocent youngster, was strolling casually through the internet looking for information pertaining to Dexter
season three. When this hideous ball of douche comes out of left field and complained that Dexter was a live action version of Death Note. I can't even begin to put together a coherent argument because of the anger of anyone being so blind to the truth.

Maybe in some day in the near future will I counter-douche this guy. Though for now I need to punch up some babies to calm myself down and think logically.
Random Word of the Day: Hypocrisy

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