Sunday, September 16, 2007

Unwanted Presents?

Why is it that to truly appreciate your own beauty you have to be someone else? That is to say that other people think more of you than you think of you. I mean, most of the people I surround myself are beautiful people, or just really strong on the inside. However, when you talk to them they are like "I'm not this, I'm not that." When really they are.

Yesterday I found that me old mate Dave C, has a zombie fetish. By that I mean he enjoys really low quality films with zombies. I sat through one, just barely though. Not in a rush to do that again. Toxic Avenger, a movie that made no sense what so ever. Possibly one of the worst movies I've ever seen in a long while. I worry about Dave sometimes.

Finally, today we had this baseball game practice. It was pretty fun, I got to pitch against my own team members. That was pretty cool, but my arm was hurting so I couldn't hit full pace.... They were lucky. Though it was great I got to spend two innings pitching then spent of the rest of the game on the bench. This was good, only today, because it was just so bloody hot. However, just when I thought it was save Nicki had the bright idea of throwing the ball. Yeah, nice idea, thanks for the bruise on my shin....

Random Thing in my Pencil Case: Glue Stick
Till Tomorrow

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